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You all saw it coming be honest, I'm not commented like I should be, i mean I was, don't get me wrong it's just that over this summer break I was going through some depression issues like it was out of the blue, and it was hitting me hard and when I try to keep writing I just don't be in the mood and I feel bad because a lot of people liked this book and I'm grateful for all the likes, comments, and followers I got from it but I'm just tired all the time and since school has it's gotton WAY WORSE I try but again it's just not working maybe some time when I get I'm 9th grade I'll start making big books like this again.

Sorry again,Weird💔💔

PS. My other book MIGHT keep going depends OH and hope you'll stay say during the storm and of their is any I give all my prays to Texas they need it❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏

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