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The strength of the feelings is so high,

that it doesn't miss our naked eye

We try to bottle up.

We try to cover it up.


 what we fail to realize is that Everything around us might be a lie.

My heart holds the feelings I want to say,

that my eyes try to portray.

I try to hide the pain hoping to move on.

By fighting the emotions as it is difficult not to break down.

Letting you go wasn't easy,

as I thought of you every night and every day.

You were like a fire that burned my heart with desire.

 The silence around me is felt because of your absence.

However, my heart can feel your presence as I breathe in your fragrance.

Every time I try to smile,

memories of losing you drop like a vile.

But then, the stories that you hid behind the door

had my faith shattered on the floor.

Now, that I have no one to blame

I am overwhelmed with shame.

I wish I could go back to the time when I had a chance to see who you really are.

But then, I was blinded by your love and was gullible to your acts.

My day would begin and end with your soft gentle kiss,

Now, I wake up every day with a broken heart that needs a fix.

The path that I once tookWhere stories live. Discover now