Missing You (Leonardo x Reader)

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Leonardo had not meant to be gone so long, honest. But his training had a tendency to take over the turtle's life and, before he knew it, it had been nearly three weeks.

Three weeks spent at the farmhouse, training with his brothers in the forest.

Three weeks spent away from the bright, bustling city that he called home.

Three weeks without Y/N.

And now that he was back home and on his way to visit her, he realized just how much he had missed his lover. The thoughts had always been there, lingering in his mind as he meditated and practiced dragon kicks.

But now he felt it, the need to hold her and kiss her and love her...the need to simply be with her. He could see it now, her open window in the apartment building. She knew he was coming, of course.

She was waiting for him.

And Leonardo ran faster, flipping over an air conditioning unit and off the building, onto the next. Until finally, he dropped onto the fire escape and slipped through her window. Onto the bed he fell, landing right next to his Y/N. And he wasted no time greeting her.

The turtle kissed her deeply, his rough hands cupping her cheeks. He lost himself in the wonderful feeling of affection. Gone were his worries and wonders of all sorts, Y/N had taken over his mind.

Kiss her, hold her, love her.

And he did. Clothes came off quickly, shorts and a tank top tossed away revealing nothing underneath. His own gear was dumped and Leonardo jumped her yet again.

Pulling her close, his lips covered her skin in sweet, soft kisses. He moved slowly, enjoying her little moans. Down her neck...between her breasts...across her belly...all over her thighs.


He loved it when she said his name.

Slowly, his hands found her pussy and he got to work. He explored and teased Y/N, watching her whimper and moan under his touch. One finger slipped inside of her and she gave a small cry. His fingers knew just what to do, just how to torment her.

Another finger joined the first and this time, she screamed the smallest of screams. Leonardo smirked and leaned into her ear.

"You have no idea how much I've missed this. How much I've missed you."

He was pumping faster now, his fingers bringing her closer to the edge of passion.

"But I know that you missed me too, love, so tonight...tonight is all about you. Anything you want, you just tell me."


His bright blue eyes locked with her own, glowing with something hungry. Something lustful.

"Yes, love?"

His fingers suddenly gained speed, stealing another moan from her lips. Y/N could barely think, much less speak right now.

"Tell me what you want..." He whispered.

"Cum! I w-want to-ah!"

She didn't need to say anymore. Leonardo understood exactly what his lover needed from him. And only seconds later, she got her wonderful wish.

Y/N was cumming on his fingers, her juices flowing freely as his name was spoken again and again. Back arched, head tossed back, legs shaking...she looked lovely.

Just as Y/N was coming down from her high, his fingers left her and instead, grasped her thighs. She looked up at the turtle, her chest rising and falling with each excited breath.

"Are you ready, love? Because I've missed you too..."

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now