TMNT Boyfriends! Leonardo NSFW

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Leonardo...where does one begin to describe him? I'll start with a simple truth: Leo is the Kink King of all his brothers, maybe in all of New York City. But you would never guess it at first.

Because Leonardo starts small. The first few times are passionate and gentle. He examines you, learning what you love, finding your sweet spots. And he finds them, all of them, even ones you didn't know you had. The sex is incredible and you think it can't get any better. Until he introduces a bit of kink and that, honey, is where he truly thrives.

I could give you an endless list of Leonardo's kinks and fantasies but for now, I'm just going to tell you the biggest, his top picks.

Names. This is where he begins. Leonardo has a special nickname for you he uses in bed (something in Japanese I think, meaning blossom or flower) but eventually, he'll ask you to call him something special. Well, two something's really. Sir or Sensei. When it's sir, it's kink but soft. He's sweet and gentle and teases a little bit. But when 'sensei' comes into the room, be prepared for a while lot of kink and a sore body in the morning.

Japanese. Leo is more fluent then his brothers and can easily converse in the language. But he uses it mostly with you in bed, whispering sweet nothing's and dirty things. He'll reward you for translating properly and even more so for replying in Japanese. If you're ever truly needy (like 'take me right here, right now'), just whisper in his ear and he'll whisk you away.

BDSM. He is in charge. He has the power. But it isn't just about Leonardo, no no. He focuses on you. It's your body that drives him crazy, your scent that sends him over the edge. He caresses your skin and kisses your neck. He ties you up with the best rope (or even better: silk) and uses your body until your exhausted. He isn't just the Kink King but also the king of aftercare, he always cleans you up after.

Noise play. This can go either way really. If you're naturally quiet, he wants to be louder. He wants to hear you moan and scream and you don't get to cum until you satisfy him. And oh gosh, it will all be worth it for that orgasam. But if you're a bit on the loud have to hold it in. Not a moan, not a whisper and no covering your mouth. You don't want anyone to hear you, do you darling? Don't you want to please sensei?

Of course you do.

Blindfolding. He has a special tie for this; a long, silky blue scarf the same shade of his mask. He'll tie it ever so gently across your eyes, telling you how beautiful you look. How thankful he is that you trust him. And that sensei is going to take care of you...

Leonardo prefers to do it in either your room or his. Often, it's his own because it makes him feel in control (and he afraid of breaking your bed). But another special place is the farm house. He wants to do it in every room, in the tent, in the forest, in the lake, under the stars. Something about the fresh air just makes the ninja let loose. So when he asks you to go camping, I suggest preparing for this.

Lingerie. All the turtles have their own tastes in what makes a good set, Leo included. He likes something lacey, in black, blue, or white and a little more intricate. Something with extra ties and ribbons, as it resembles rope across that beautiful body. He also loves, loves, loves corsets. But more then anything, he loves to take them off of you.

Worship. Maybe it's because he puts up with so much from his brothers, but sometimes, Leo just needs to have a little love. He needs to hear you beg and moan for sensei, telling him how skilled he is, how only he can give it to you right. He might be a little shy about it, will soon start teasing you, telling you to go on.

Hair. He can't explain it, but Leonardo loves hair. Maybe it's because he doesn't have any of his own. But he loves the smell and texture of your locks and, if you want to get the boy going, play with your hair. Twirl it, twist it, swish it about. Soon enough, he'll be tugging on it as you ride him.

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