Caged (Raph x Reader).

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A cage.

A cage all around you, a cage in such a pretty shade of red. In fact, nearly everything you can see is red, except for a few things here or there.

There is even red writing on the walls, the letters sending a neon glow through the room.


'There's no escape.'


You pull on the door but it's locked, leaving you very trapped and very naked.

For some reason...neither seem to really concern you. You lean back on the white sheets, looking at everything outside and wonder what's going on.

You don't feel afraid or anything. Instead you feel...impatience. Like someone has kept you waiting.


You know exactly who that someone is.

You sit up and see him, a muscular turtle wearing as little as you are...except for his red mask. Raphael strides towards you, holding something red and black in his hand. He stops in front of the cage, smirking at you through the ruby red bars.

"Ya know why ya in there, Y/N?"

You shake your head in response, eyes locked on him.

"Cause ya went and forgot somethin' and I gotta punish ya. I gotta remind ya..."

The cage opens and his heavy hand takes yours, pulling you out. It closes with a loud slam as Raphael presses you against the cool metal bars.

"I gotta remind ya who ya belong to."

Shivers went down your spin and he hadn't even touched you...but things didn't stay that way of course.

Raphael kissed you and you excitedly kissed him back. It was a hot, messy kiss but, oh, it was perfect. His hands ran all over your body, groping and even slapping here and there. You could feel one hand sneaking down between your legs (god, you wished he would hurry up!) and you were so excited that you didn't notice something else.

In fact, you had completely forgotten about the red and black thing Raph had been holding...until it was around your neck.

You broke away from the kiss and glanced down, only to see...a collar.

A collar with a long, red tassel that Raphael griped in his hand.

"I told ya, tiger," he growled in a low voice, "ya gotta be reminded who ya belong to..."

He tugged the collar just so, signaling you to follow him. And you did, soon finding yourself on a bed of soft red sheets. Raphael leaned over you, still smirking.

His hands found their way between your thighs once more, rubbing your heat just enough to get you wet...and wanting more. Every so often, his fingers would brush against your entrance and, oh, you wanted it!


The teasing was unbearable.

You were soaking wet, moaning already and just begging him to please, please stop teasing you!

Raphael chuckled and kissed your jaw.

"I dunno, tiger...I'm supposed to be punishing ya..."

You moaned, looking up at him with begging eyes.

"Do ya think ya learned a lesson? Do ya remember?"

"Yes! Ah-yes!" You said desperately.

You were so, so wet and you knew that he could tell, that he could smell it. Hd was enjoying this too much...

"Who owns ya?" He demanded.


"Yeah? Who teases and tortures ya and makes ya beg for more?"


"Who's gonna make ya scream?"


He had finally given in.

He had finally given you what you wanted.

Raphael's fingers slid inside of you, barely giving you a second before he began to finger fuck you...hard.

But you rather liked it hard, moaning loudly and screaming his name over and over and over again.

You didn't care if you were caught or if the entire city heard you. All you cared about was his lips on your body (kissing heated skin) and his fingers inside of you (fucking you a little faster now).

All you cared about was cumming.

And you were going to cum, you were so close.

Passion built up inside of you, Raph encouraged it, telling you to cum for him, to scream for him.

You cried out his name as you woke up.


You sat up in bed, breathing heavily.

It had only been a dream had felt so real. You wanted it to be real.

Glancing at the alarm clock (the glowing numbers reminded you vaguely of the words on the wall...) you realized that you must have falldn asleep waiting for a certain someone to come over.

A dirty idea in your mind, you quickly undressed and cracked open the window just a little bit. Slim fingers slid down between your legs as you waited, each second feeling too long.

But Raphael finally came, opening the window fully and climbing inside.

"Hey, sorry I..."

You smirked at him, fingers still at work.

"This is all your fault, you know."

"My fault?" He asked, his amber eyes traveling up and down your body.

"I dreamed of you." You replied.

Raph smirked, slamming the window shut. He grabbed your hand away from it's game, using it to pull you onto his lap.

"Well then...I oughta make it up to ya..." he growled.

He kissed you perfectly, hot and messy and wonderful. You smiled, enjoying the kiss and knowing that all your dreams were about to come true...❤

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now