Red Jealousy (Raph x Reader).

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It was incredible what love could teach you. Raphael had discovered at lot of things about himself when he met you.

For one thing, he was a lot more romantic then he had ever thought he could be. With you, a sweeter and softer side of him grew, nurtured by your love. He was also very passionate, constantly aching for your love and touch and body against his. It was addicting, your touch. And he was, admittedly, the jealous type.

He wasn't proud of it. It was just another trait he tried desperately to control. But this, it turned out, was much harder to control. Raphael just couldn't stop himself from seeing red whenever he felt threatened in the relationship, it was embarrassing the way he made a fool of himself...and if he wasn't starting some stupid fight, well...

"Raphael! Stop!"

The turtle stopped storming away, turning to face you. Standing there, small and shaking, you looked just as mad as he felt.

"What are you doing? What is wrong with you?" You demanded.

"I dunno, okay?" He shot back. "I dunno, I just..."

Got angry. Got jealous. Lost it. The story of his life, the one hundredth time you had had this same fight. And he didn't know what to do about it. But as you went on, hands waving and voice raising...he just acted on impulse. Maybe Raph didn't always know how to control himself. But he did know this: no one could do what he could. So he reached forward, taking your tiny hand and pulling you towards him. Pulling you right into a warm, wanting kiss. It had been a total surprise to both of you and you found yourself pulling away.

"What are you doing?" You whispered.

"I dunno." He replied.

And then you were kissing again. Anger was melting away into something else, something hot and hungry. Something uncontrollable. His lips pressed harder, he pulled you closer and you felt yourself being lifted up into his arms. Raphael bumped and stumbled his way through the messy hall, eventually managing to find his room and kick the door closed. He dropped you onto his bed, looming over you.


He liked that look on your face. That shocked, wide eyed, pink cheeked look. But there was more then shock in those eyes, there was excitement. There was lust. And he loved that even more. All he wanted was you and your touch and your body against his, to feel that burning. Raphael hadn't even realized he was kissing you again. His lips pressed to yours in a messy kiss, his tongue invading your mouth. All while his hands roamed all over your body. You gasped into the kiss as his right hand slipped beneath your shirt, groping your breast roughly. You weren't wearing anything underneath, he realized, and it made him moan.

Fuck all of this, he thought. In a flash, he tore of your shirt and shorts, ripping your panties away with them. You screamed in surprise, your naked body on display for him and only him. He moved quickly, tearing away at his armor as he growled dirty things.

"Gonna fuck you so hard..."

"Gonna make you scream..."

"Gonna make you mine..."

And it made so fucking wet. Your body was burning with heat, your core already glistening with wetness. You cried out when you pulled you towards him again, kissing you roughly. It was hard and hungry and perfect. Bodies pressed together, skin on skin as sweat filled the air. Hands wandered, groping soft skin and hard muscle. His on you, yours on his. Raph's heavy hands knew your body to well, finding every soft and sensitive place. Your moans echoed through the messy room and Raph grinned.

"Bet I'm the only one who can get ya like this..." He growled, kissing your neck.

But before you could answer, he pushed you back onto the bed and attacked. Hot lips pressed to your skin, teeth too, as he left bruises and bites. Raphael had always loved to make you, he always loved the reaction it got him. Moans for more then just his mouth, whimpers of pure pleasure. But right now? He wasn't focused on the reaction. He focused on the action itself, his mouth practically signing his name on your body. On your breasts and belly and thighs, anywhere. And when he was done...he stepped back to enjoy his art. There you were, chest rising and falling with excited breathe. You were painted in bites and purple red bruises, your hair tangled beneath you and your legs spread. And with your core exposed to him, he could see just how excited you were.

"Look at you..." He whispered.

Softly, his hand grasped your thigh, gently rubbing and squeezing the soft skin as his fingers found your sex. His rough fingers rubbed your wet folds, teasing you. He played with your clit, smiling as you moaned. His smile only grew as he teased your entrance, just barely filling you with his digit.

"Raph! Please!" You begged.

"Ya want me, do ya tiger? Ya want my touch?" He growled, his finger sliding in a little more.

"O-only you! No one else but you!"

Damn straight. Giving into you (he had to make you moan more), the turtle slid not one but two fingers into you. You screamed in delight as he finger fucked you fast, your juices dripping down his wrist. You looked beautiful like this, screaming and shit just for him. It felt so good, his fingers filling you. Pleasure soared in your body and it was about to come crashing down it felt so good. Raph could tell you were going to cum too and, damn, he to wanted to see this.

"Come on, baby, cum all over my hand...gonna make you cum for me!"

And you did, screaming his name as your juices spilled out of your pussy. Raphael removed his fingers and leaned back to watch you shake with pleasure. Back arched, eyes closed tight, and lips spilling out moans and more, all for him. It was incredible...but it wasn't over yet.

"Gonna give ya somethin' better, baby."

You bit your lip in anticipation as Raphael took his aching cock in hand and slowly, slowly entered you. He was teasing, only giving you inch by inch of his thick monster. He knew you wanted it all inside of you right fucking now (after all, you had just screamed it at him) but he was having too much fun. Until he filled your core. Until the base of his cock was pressed to your pussy, the rest of it deep inside of then. He wasn't teasing you after that. Instead, he griped your waist and fucked you, cock pounding your pussy as you screamed.


The whole sewer system was probably listening right now but he didn't even care. Hell, at least everyone would know who was making you scream like this.

"That's right! That's my name, you keep screamin' my fucking name!"

He thrusted harder, faster, until he was certain the bed would smash to pieces. He wouldn't even care if it did, hed would just keep fucking you.

"Nobody else can do this, not like I can! No one else can fuck ya like this!"


He smirked as you came again, your pussy tightening and juices dripping around his dick. It felt fantastic, nearly making him cum too. Raphael's own body was on fire, burning with pleasure. Maybe he shouldn't have teased you so much, he felt liked he had teased himself the whole damn time. And now he was so, so close to cumming...maybe you could tell, because you gave him that lusty, pretty smile and said

"I love you."

Damn. Raph cursed under his breath, struggling to make out "I love you too" as his pleasure blew up. He hoped you got the message as he leaned low, kissing your neck as he cock twitched and his cum spilled inside of you. He couldn't wait to finish, to pull out and see that little stream of seed spill out of you. He loved that. But he loved what came after it even better...

You snuggled in the sheets (which had some how ended up on the floor), your marked up body having been kissed and cleaned and now cuddled by Raphael.

"You know I love you, don't you baby?" You whispered, kissing his neck.

"Yeah...I just...ya know. But ya love me and I love ya too..." He replied, pulling you a little closer.

Seeing red jealousy sucked but it always seemed to work out somehow...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2018 ⏰

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