Dirty Minds Think Alike (Leonardo x Reader)

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Leonardo was not a perv.

Sure, he was a man and, yes, he did have needs. But he didn’t spend all day dreaming about women and sex…that is, until he met Y/N.

He wasn’t quite sure what the human had done to him, but it was out of control. All he ever did was dream about, both night and day. He dreamed about her soft curves, her breasts in his hands and her thighs pressed to his. He’d kiss her and caress her and, oh god, how she would scream for him.

His name. She would be screaming his name over and over and you understand his problem by now.

What had started as an innocent crush had turned into an intense, lustful need…and it was driving him insane.

He couldn’t even be around her anymore and, god damn it, even when she wasn’t here she had him wrapped around her fingers. Of course, he had a much better idea of what she could wrap those fingers around…

Damn, he had to do something about this. <br>

Leonardo slipped out of the lair and through the city, taking only the darkest path. The long route gave him time to think over what he would say.

How exactly do you tell someone that you’re madly in love with them and, also, could you be so kind as to allow me to fuck you into insanity? Thank you very much! But as it turns out, words were not needed. Because when Leo finally arrived at her apartment and slipped through the open window, he saw the best thing he had ever seen.

Y/N stood in front of him, wearing only a thin, barely-there sweater and a pair of dark blue panties.

They froze. And stared at each for about five seconds. And then they pounced.

Leonardo grabbed her, pulling her close and kissing her roughly. He picked her up, her legs wrapping around him and they moved around the room, making out furiously. They bumped into walls and furniture (though nothing slowed them down) before falling onto her bed.

Straddling his hips, Y/N yanked off her sweater and tossed it away, giving Leo the opportunity to finally play with those perfect breasts.

“You have no idea how badly I’ve wanted this.” she gasped.

“Believe me, I do.” Leo replied.

His armor was soon strewn around the room, revealing his rock hard member. And finally, finally! Her panties came off.

Leonardo kissed her again, his hands travelling across her skin. His day dreams paled in comparison to her incredible body, her beauty.

“Can I…”

He wasn’t quite sure how to finish his sentence but Y/N seemed to catch on rather quickly.

“Yeah, yes."

Oh, this was a dream come true. Leonardo rolled over, topping her and kissing her and teasing her until she was soaking wet and begging for it.

“Leo! Oh, god!”

He smirked, kissing her neck before sliding inside of her. They both moaned, her nails digging into his shoulders as he began to thrust. God, she felt so wet and tight and amazing. The bed rocked into the wall with every thrust, slamming hard.


He had only ever dreamed of this moment, of their bodies pressed together in a sweaty passion. Her voice calling for him…and if this was just a dream, he was going to make the most of it.

He thrust harder, pounding her until she came, screaming and moaning as her juices dribbled down his cock. Maybe it was the tightness of her body or the way she screamed or the smell of sex in the air. But whatever it was, it has him so damn close and he just pulled up and blew up, his cum pouring over her torso.

“Oh…oh my god.”

He collapsed beside her, his heart still racing.

“I know.” he said.

He closed his eyes and thought about everything, from the smell of her skin to the softness of her breasts and the tightness of her p-damn it, he was hard again.

“Do you need help with that?”

Leonardo opened his eyes, smiling at the beautiful women.

“Yes, please.”

He didn’t get home until much, much later after round four. He went home with a new girlfriend, a smile on his face, and his need satisfied…for now.

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now