Donatello was ecstatic!
The turtle truly enjoyed camping but going camping alone? With his darling dove? It was a dream come true!
And the perfect birthday present.
All during the drive down to there, Donnie had barely been able to keep his mind on the road. It kept wandering off, dreaming up everything he wanted to do with you.
Donatello was so excited, he had even packed a few special things for the it was late and they were nearly there.
One hand on the wheel, the other on your thigh as you slept in the passenger seat. The city lay behind them and in front? The empty stretch of road that was leading the turtle to paradise.
Technically, the woods behind the farmhouse. But the setting barely mattered to the turtle. It was just over an hour later that Donnie pulled up to the property and shook you awake.
"We're here, dove."
It was too late and you were both too tired to set up the tent. So for tonight, you slept in the farmhouse. Cuddled on the couch, Donnie wrapped his strong arms around your waist and kissed your neck softly.
"I can't wait for tomorrow..." he whispered.
What did tomorrow have in store?
A forest green tent tucked into the woods, a day of exploring and setting up. A romantic (and slightly burnt) dinner bonfire...and a night spent in the tent.
"This has been fantastic, Y/N."
You smiled at your boyfriend, digging in your bag for your sleepwear.
"I can tell, you haven't stopped smiling all day."
It was true, Donnie had been grinning and laughing throughout the entire day. Even now, as he watches you get undressed, he was smiling softly. Dirty day clothes were tossed into your bag but, as you reached for your shorts and tank top, he stopped you.
A warm hand on your wrist grabbed your attention and Donnie slipped closer.
"I don't think we need those."
You smiled, leaning towards the turtle.
"You look just wonderful without them."
And then you were kissing, softly and sweetly. His hands found your hips and pulled you so close your chests pressed together and you could feel Donnie's heartbeat. You wrapped your hands around his shoulders, hips grinding against his own.
He moaned. And pulled away, fumbling for his bag.
"Donnie?" you asked curiously.
"I...brought something special, darling. I thought we could use it."
You gasped when you saw "it". A long, thick purple dildo, curved with an extra appendage. You gasped in surprise and then smiled.
"You should have told me that you bought me a present! I would have gotten you something."
Donatello grinned, eyes lusty.
"You are my present, dove. Besides...I fixed this one up a little."
You leaned back, spreading your legs for the turtle. Just the sight of your sex was enough to make Donnie want to eat you out...but that was for tomorrow night. Right now, he had other plans.
He pressed the toy to your pussy, dragging it slowly along your already wet muscle. Donnie yanked a small remote from his bag and with a soft "click" the toy sprang to life.
You moaned, closing your eyes and the toy teased you. It didn't take long for the toy to do what it did best.
Tease you, get you hot and wet for Donatello's enjoyment. Already, the vibrations had you soaking your sleeping bag and he hadn't even put it inside of you yet. Which was a bit bothersome.
"Donnie! Oh!"
"What was that, Y/N?" he said softly.
He turned the vibrator up, enjoying the scream it stole from you. But he wasn't feeling that mean abd, knowing what you needed, he slid the toy into your wet pussy. It felt so good, the purple machine filling you almost as well as Donatello did...and you finally found out what the extra appendage was for. The little purple piece but pressed to your clit, which only made you moan even louder.
Donatello watched, fire surging through his body. And he could only imagine what you were feeling.
The passion that must be building up inside of you, the pleasure you must be feeling. He could smell your scent, mixed with sweat, and almost drowned in your moans. You must feel so good, he thought.
You deserved more. He turned up the vibrator two more levels. You cried out, body shaking as the toy nearly brought you to the edge.
"That's it, baby, cum! I-I wanna watch you cum!"
And doesn't the birthday boy get what he wants?
You came, screaming his name as you did. Juices squirted out of you and Donnie loved every second of it. The way your body shivered and shook with pleasure, your eyelashes fluttering, lips saying his name over and over...and the shook when you realized that the vibrator was still on.
The purple machine was still buried inside of you, buzzing away. You fell back, gasping in pleasure and Donatello leaned over you. Lips inches away from yours, he whispered,
"Didn't I tell you that I fixed it up a little? I have some plans for you, dove...I'm not done yet."
And then he kissed you, imagining all the things he had in store for his gorgeous girlfriend...what a wonderful birthday this had been!

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.
FanfictionThis is a collection of my smut, so be warned! There is adult content in this one! 18+ is ahead!