TMNT Boyfriends! Michelangelo NSFW

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Mikey is a wild lover.

He’s always up for anything, anytime, and is devoted to your pleasure. And to be totally honest, he’s incredibly horny. It takes very little to get him going but if you really want to excite him, there are a few tricks you could play.

Mikey, for one, loves thongs. Little lacey ones or a pair with a cute design on the front, but always in bright colors (pinks, oranges, greens, and blues are his favorites). He loves “surprise sex” so strip down to that tiny thong and wait for him to waltz in. Or even better, send him a picture! The boy will fly across the city to get to you. Act coy, like you have no clue why he’s so flustered. Be warned, though, the game can go both ways and Mikey knows the best way to get you all hot and bothered. No matter who teased who, you’ll both be left breathless and blushing at the end of it all.

Speaking of pictures, he loves them, completely adores them. Both sending and receiving. You have quite a few delightful pictures of Mike-zilla saved but he has folders full of yours. He loves pictures of you in a tiny pair panties with a flirty expression…oh my god. A pic sent late at night is code for “I need you right now.”

He’s the master of oral. Mikey loves, loves loves to eat you out until you’re a mess of sweaty skin and tangled hair. He eats you out like he’s been wandering in the desert for forty years and you are his sweet salvation. The neighbors have certainly never met Michelangelo but they know his name.

Speaking of your neighbors, they will be complaining about you. It’s not that you don’t try to keep it down it’s that he won’t let you. That jerk has you screaming and moaning and you can’t help it. Telling him about the complaints with only make him smile and turn him on...

Mikey loves to be teased. He’s a huge flirt in his own right but it isn’t too hard to make him blush. It’s the little things, like playing with your hair or biting your lip. He’s a boob’s man, so low cut tops and bikinis drive him over the edge. Then, when you’ve got him right where you want him, lead him somewhere quiet so you can play. 😘

He loves breasts of all sizes. He loves to play with them, tug and tease your nipples. He’ll lick and suck and even bite if he’s feeling very frisky.

Rough sex is a rarity for Mikey. Due to his size and strength, he’s naturally a bit rough but never purposely. Don’t get me wrong, that bed is gonna rock. But he won’t call you names like Raph or go hardcore dom on you. No, Mikey’s kinks lie in another category.

Voyeurism/Exhibitionism. He loves sex in public, the idea of someone watching gets him off. He’ll mostly stick to doing it in front of windows, on rooftops and balconies. Whatever you do, try not to imagine him fucking you from behind, his hands groping your breasts and his breath on your neck.

But rooftops aren’t always enough for them and there’s something he loves more then anything: sex tapes. It starts off small, with little clips he sends to you via shell cell. Clips of him pumping his cock, moaning your name and bit by bit, it grows until the two of you are in front of a camera and fucking like you never have before. Soon enough, you have your own little library and you start getting creative with it, working in costumes and kinks.

Speaking of dressing up…Mikey loves it. Role play with him can get crazy (in a great way) and very unique. A few favorites involve super heros and villains (he’s the evil mastermind that has finally captured his nemesis) and a lot of comic book cosplay. Slip into Batgirl’s leather suit or dress up as X-men’s Rouge, and he’ll lose it. Halloween is his favorite holiday, just for the sexy costumes (remind me to write about that…).

Mikey loves toys. I imagine he would find yours (a bright orange vibrator for those long, lonely nights) by accident and beg to use them on you. As always, he loves brightly colored and unique things so buy a few toys, he’s be all over them.

Mikey is willing to get in on pretty much anywhere. His place, your place, the couch, the shell raiser. Anyplace is good enough for him to get down with you. And honestly, if someone walks in, he doesn’t care. He’s not embarrassed in the least.

Sex with Mikey is never going to be boring. These are just the things he likes, but he’s ready to try anything. In the end, what he wants most of all is you. He wants to taste you and kiss you and play out every dirty little fantasy of his.

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