Say My Name (Raphael x Reader)

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Imagine your neighbors knowing his name.

They’ve never met your boyfriend of course but every night, they hear you screaming his name over and over again. They don’t know what he looks like but they do know his deep voice and Brooklyn accent.

Imagine them hearing to bang around the apartment, listening (or trying not to) him fuck you on every wall and every piece of furniture. The bed bangs, the walls shake, and your kitchen table nearly breaks from his rough fucking.

You beg him, of course, to try to be quiet. You tell him that you’re sure that neighbors can hear everything.

“Let ‘em, tiger.” He growls, thrusting into you.

You scream once again, your nails digging into his shoulders. Damn, he loves it when you mark him…if even possible, he fucks you harder and growls louder and, god, he’s so close to cumming.


“That’s my name, baby! Say my name!"

You’re cumming all over his cock and it just pushes him over the edge. Still buried balls deep in you, he falls into his own wave of pleasure.



You’ll apologize to your neighbors in the morning of course but what good will it do? Raphael will just fuck you into a screaming mess all over again…

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now