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lucie ran into the losers club later that day. lucie was exploring derry when she saw them all down on the cliff. slowly climbing down the rocks she jumped in front of them. the seven losers were all in tighty whities except for Bev, in a blue bra and white panties.

"im not jumping" eddie said.

"then i will" lucie dropped her bike and pulled down her pants and boots. taking off her black flannel style top, she was in black undergarments. She ran towards the water over the cliff and jumped down, her short chin length brown highlighted hair flew above her and she hit the water feet first.

richie jumped second, then bill and bev. soon the whole losers club and lucie were all splashing each other with water. having fun for so long lucie forget that she should've taken her pills again. but that doesn't really matter does it?

she was laying on a towel and her bag right next to her. the boys around her, Bev was trying to find her shirt, Richie threw it in the lake a while ago.

"so hot stuff you want to join the losers club?" richie asked.

"and hang out with you all the time? fuck no"

bill laughed and mike shrugged his shoulders smiling.

"where is my sister!" a voice rang. "shit" lucie cursed softly. she grabbed her clothing and her bag and quickly got dressed. "go. bowers gang is coming" bev said. richie tossed her an a extra tank top and they ran.

lucie was left there. meeting with the bowers gang.

"lucie why are you out here?" victor asked.

"why do you care criss?" she snapped back.

"im your brother"

"that let me get beat up by patrick and bowers. even though i did more damage"

"look i'm sorry about that but i didn't want them too"

"but you let it happen victor!"

"shut up lucille! i did what i wanted to do!"

"to fit in with some fucked up gang!"

"yeah and i wanted you too but no you decided to hang out with some losers!"

"losers!? fuck yourself victor!"

"m' sorry luc"

lucie stopped clenching her fists and dropped her hands down, blood running down her fingers from her nails digging into her palms.

"is' k vic" victor hugged his sister closely and she put her hands on his back, her blood swearing across his red shirt.

she pulled back.

"sorry bout' your shirt Vic"

"it's k luc"

he tore of his shirt and tossed it in the lake.

"go find your losers" victor smiled at her

"go find your assholes" lucie smile back


"last day a school, excited hot stuff?" richie jogged next to her.
"nah not excited. cause you'll try and hang out with me tozier"

she sat down at her desk in english next to eddie and richie. "richie's been flirting up a storm huh?" eddie asked. lucie glanced to richie and then to her brother in the back of the class.

"yeah he has. annoying really" eddie chuckled and richie leaned over.

"you got here at the end of the year right?" richie asked.

lucie ignored him and focused her eyes on his brother. "you like Victor Criss?" bill asked after english.

"No that's disgusting." lucie said walking away.

"i can't believe you think that she would date that lowlife piece of fucking shit"

"god you assholes are ridiculous." lucie said. she saw bowers the gang walking around the hall. henry had gotten to ben and was calling him shit.

"bowers you better back the fuck up before i spit on you again!" lucie called out. richie looked so proud and happy.
bev smiled like a proud mom and eddie was trying to contain a laugh, stan was shocked and bill was looking scared.

"you little bitch!" henry yelled. victor looked terrified. lucie was stepping forwards as Henry turned to the young ben.

"fatass go to your little slutty whore maybe she'll take ya" her anger flared up and ber fist collided with her jaw.

"fuck ya bowers. i get more action then ya and ive barely been around people" she laughed loudly.

"shut the hell up you slut!" henry yelled back. victor's fist flying into his face is all that the small highschool of Derry sees next.

"get off em' vic he ain't worth are trouble" victor pulled off of him and gave his sister a look before leaving.

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