Chapter Eight:The Neon Lights Tour,Pranks,Drama and More

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And there stood Demi Lovato,Cher Lloyd,and Fifth Harmony. Me I just sat there shocked and lifted the magazine that I was reading so they can't see my face."Ladies! Meet my little sister Angelica"Jesy introduced me "1 Jesy I'm not little I'm already 15 (I change her age to 15 'cause she is too old to be 18 lol) 2 Hi there!"I said they all said their hi's to me "Angelica we are just gonna go rehearse stay with them always behave ok!"Jesy said while walking away. "So we are left here can we play a prank on them?" I asked all of them "I'm in!"Dinah said "I'm in too"Demi said."we are all in " the rest said. It's pranking time!. We decided that we will prank them while rehearsals and during the concert. So here is the plan when they finish rehearse we will all hide in their dressing room by the time they enter me, Demi, Cher and Dinah will pour water all over them and while Camila,Ally,Lauren,and Normani will throw flour to the four of them."Dinah! Faster they are almost finished rehearsing!"I said "Help me carry the bucket"Dinah said we rushed inside there dressing room "I already texted claudimar to tell the others that we will prank little mix " I said to them.after a few minutes of waiting we could hear footsteps coming closer to the door "Guys! There here hide " I whispered yelled to them.the door opened "Demi,Cher,Dinah ATTACK! " I shouted we poured water all over them and they stood there shocked "Ally,Camila,Lauren,Normani ATTACK!"I shouted and they poured the flour one by one to the four of them. "Angelica come give me a hug"Jesy said while walking towards me I stood and ran out of the dressing room but she catches me she wiped her flour stained face on my hair and my shirt.the others were laughing but the other little mix girls came and joined me and Jesy's hug they wiped there faces on my shirt or should I say all over me."arghhh! Stop I'm dirty!"I said in an angry tone "Nope!"they said "pweasee"I said while putting on my puppy dog face."Fine!"they said.we showered and changed our clothes. "Hey! Guys see ya later." I said to Demi,Cher and the Fifth Harmony Girls and winked to them they know what that means. "Angelica! It's time to go!"Jesy said we are just gonna have some rest at the hotel and go back to the venue of the concert.while in the car "So does that mean you Forgive us?"Perrie asked "uhm... NO!"I said we arrived at the hotel the girls went to their hotel rooms while me and Jesy went to ours.we entered the hotel room Jesy immediately throw her bag on the couch and lay down on the bed "Babygirl sleep with me" she asked me "Nope!" I answered "pweasee"she said putting those puppy dog eyes."still a no!"I said "Pweaseee pweaseeee"she said again with those puppy dog eyes."ugh...fine!"I said "yay!"she said "I still not forgive you"I said but she is already sleeping.a few hours of sleeping there was a knock on the door I opened it "hey! There Angelica go prepare now we are going back to the venue tell Jesy by the way."Jade said "ok"I replied. "Jesy! Wake up we need to prepare we are going back to the venue!"I said while shaking her up I already prepared myself before waking Jesy up when she woke up she grabbed her bag I grabbed mines and walked out the door were the other girls are waiting for us. We hopped on the car to the venue. When we arrived there I ran straight to the fifth harmony girls dressing room I knocked Camila opened it "hey!come in"she said I walked in side god there dressing room is so messy same as little mix's "hey!there Angelica " the other girls said "so what's our next prank"Dinah asked excitedly "I still haven't think wait! Let me call my friend she might have an idea" I said I called Emma after a few minutes of talking to the phone we said our goodbyes and tell the Fifth Harmony girls what's the plan "Girls! Here's the plan when they are performing salute me ,Demi, Cher And you girls will wear a mask and a hoodie to cover our identity so they will not notice who we are we will sneak out and do crazy dance moves you guys! In"I said they put there hands on top of my hand "Let's go tell Demi and Cher."Ally said. We kinda sneak out to demi and Cher's dressing room so that the little mix girls can't see us we entered their room we told them. Fifth Harmony was opening up first so me and demi were watching them perform I put my head on Demi's shoulder like we are sisters we took a selfie and I posted it on twitter with the caption 'here with @ddlovato watching @fifthharmony perform @littlemix if your finding me I'm here with demi' I posted it in Instagram. When suddenly some one put his/her hands on me and Demi's shoulder making us jump it was Cher she told us that Jesy was like feeling jealous about our post on twitter "seriously she was literally feeling jealous aww! I feel like I'm gonna forgive them now on our second prank"I said they both awwed "guys! There next performing let's get ready !"demi said we rushed back staged picking up our mask. "Good luck!" I said to our selves before I put my mask on I rushed to the girls and said "GoodLuck!" And hugged all of them and rushed back to demi and the others the little mix girls had a big grin on their face me and the pranksters gang get ready after about 1:45minutes later we get ready when it's there part to dance all of the gang rushed on the stage and obviously me. We did crazy dance moves demi was doing some hilarious ones me and Cher are just like normal lol the fifth harmony girls were twerking the little mix girls were trying to sing and dance but sometimes they fail they were cracking off laughing . When the music finally ended we ran backstage we yelled SUCCESS!! Little mix finally finished opening for demi next is Cher Lloyd I was hanging out with fifth harmony and Demi lovato when someone put his/her hand on my shoulder it's probably not Cher 'cause she is performing then suddenly somebody screamed BOO! All of us jumped. When we all turned around it was just the little mix girls lauhing because they scared us "That's not funny!" We all screamed "aww!hey Angelica can we talk?"they asked. "Yup!" I said popping the p."erm..So does that mean you forgive us?"Jade asked worriedly "uhm...Yes!"I said they screamed and hug me tight "I can't breathe!" I said "wait! My sister got here early let's go meet her outside"Jade said.we went outside Jade fetch her sister they were walking back her sister looks a bit familiar "Guys! Meet Abby"Jade said oh no! This can't be this is not her Abby my grade school bully "hi!"we all said "Abby this is Jesy's Sister Angelica meet Abby"Jade said "hello!"she said "hi!" I said. When I hugged her she whispered to my ear that don't ever touch her sister.Yes she really is Abby my Grade school bully.

Authors Note:

Had a big writers block I ran out of ideas so please give ideas :)). @fluffy_tamato your in the story now.

Please check outMe and @polbarranco 's book he is the best author the name of the book is When in Rome (demi lovato fan fiction ).-AngelicaM.

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