Description, Chapter 1 & 2

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Hi! My name is Y/N and I have long, light brown, wavy hair that comes to about my rib cage. I have hazel, brown eyes. I have tanned skin, but not dark. I live with my brother, Sam, my dad Derral, and my mom, Christy. I love my family. Although, they can be annoying at times. I am 17 years old, and in 12 grade. I love in California. I have three best friends, that I've known since kindergarten. They're names are Audrie, Taylor (we call her Tay Tay), And Cameron. (Cameron Dallas) We are all the same age, except Cameron is about four moths older. We call our group the "Cat Wang Group." Yeah, don't ask. Cameron came up with it.

Chapter 1

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

I wake up to my alarm clock. I rub my eyes and roll out of bed. Walking over to my dresser, I grab my phone. I text the cat wang group.

Y/N: Hey lazy asses get up 😊

A: I'm up, girl.

C: Morning. :) Y/N I'm driving you to school as always, right?

Y/N: Yeah. And the rest of the gang :)

T: I'm trying to avoid school guys, let me sleep.

C: awe, come on. It's Friday!

T: Fineeeeee.

Y/N: I'm going to get ready. See you guys later. Xx

I put my phone into my speaker doc and put it on shuffle. I walk into my walk in closet and strip down. I change my undergarments and pick out some ripped up bleached jean shorts, and a tight, pastel pink crop top saying "idc, it's Friday." It's been really got here, considering its June. I walk inti my bathroom and brush my teeth.

Then I wash my face and apply my makeup. I go for a natural look. I the curl my hair to make beach waves and walk out of my bathroom, back into my room to grab my phone, books, and my bag. I slip on my black vans and head downstairs. As I walk into the kitchen, I kiss my mom's cheek and grab an apple. I walk up to my 15 year old brother and ruffle his dark brown hair. "Sup." I say as I sit down. "Ugh, you messed up my hair! It takes two hours in the morning."
"Oh whatever." I reply back, not caring. "Bye mom!" I say. "Bye sweetie, have fun at school!" "That's not going to happen." I say while chuckling. I open the front door and sit on the front step.

I text Cameron saying I'm waiting. Just a few moments later, he pulls inti the drive way. I stand up, walking to the front if the car. I open the front door and climb in. "Hey ladies." I say smiling. They smile back saying hey. I make a funny face at Cameron and he just laughs. He pulls out to the road and droves to school. Once we parked, we stepped out of the car and started walking towards the entrance. "Holy sht, talk about heat wave." Cameron speaks.

We all laugh and continue to walk towards the building. As we open the front doors, a cool breeze hits our skin. I let out a big sigh, and walk down the halls to my locker. Cameron, Tay, Audrie and I are all in the same classes, exept for fourth period. Weird huh? Well, it's been like that for a while. As I reach my locker, I notice a boy with golden brown hair, melting hazel eyes leaning against lockers. He wore a white v-neck tee, black saggy pants, and a black leather jacket.

As I studied him I began to recognize him. Oh god, Jason Mcann.

Authors note:
Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I need to go to bed, so I'll tell you about me later. Read my description also. Chapter two coming soon! 💕

Chapter 2


*Jason MCann is Justin*


I froze in the hallway. Um, why did I freeze exactly? Well you see, Jason Mcann is one of those people you want to stay away from. He smokes, ditches school, and well, hurts people. I still stood there. Still as ice. He notices me gazing at him, and smirks. He then starts to walk up to me. I quickly grab my books, not caring if I have my homework in them, and walk fast down the hall. He starts to pick up the pace. I run down the hallway, hiding my head between my shoulders. I feel a grab on my shoulder blade and let out a soft gasp. 

I turn around. There he was, staring at me. With of course, a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. 

"Well, hello there little cutie. Where do you think your going?" He spoke.

I replied. "Um, uhh-I-uh. Going to class?

"You see, ha. I'm um late for class, so um I'm just gonna walk..

I see him smirking even more. 

"to.. class.." I spoke in a soft whisper trying to finish my sentence.

"Your class is that way." He pointes to a certain direction. I gave him a weird look and start walking slowly.

PIck up the pace Y/N. Are you trying to get him to follow you again? 

All of a sudden, I feel a tight pinch on my butt. I notice Jason just smacked it. I let out a squeak. He just chuckles.

"That dirty little dog." I murmur under my breath. 

As I enter my classroom, I notice that not everyone is here. I let out a sigh. Good, I wasn't late. Soon, the bell rings. Your probably wondering where my group went. They're here. But not sitting with me. I don't care, I needed a breather anyways.  All out of nowhere, I see jason walking in. What? I never knew he was in this first period.  Probably because he always skipped school. Yeah that's right. Was it?

Chapter 3


"Was it?" i thought to myself.  I opened my binder and took out yesterday's homework. I got up, carrying it. I walk past Justin, forgetting all about him. I put my homework on the teacher's desk, and sit back down. **ringgggggg** the school bell rang. My teacher had walked therough the dorway and sat down. She got soem chalk out of her drawer from her desk, and walked to the chalk board. I sighed. You prbably wonder what this period is. Well, its math. Yeah, I know, a great way to stat every morning. All I heard from my teacher was mumbling. I had zoned out. I was thinking. Not about buying new mascara, no. I was thinking about him. Jason.

"Y/N!" my teacher yelled. I quickly sat up and arched my back, putting my focus back up to her and the board. "Can you solve this equation please?" she questioned. "uhh, yes. 63" I replied. She gave me a glare and turned to the board. I sighed once again, crossing my arms. paying attention. 

The time flew by pretty fast after that. I was already in 4th period, a free block. In my school, you can do whatever you want in a free block. You can finish up some homework you had recieved, you play go on your phone, or go to get something to drink from a place like Tim Hortans.  Tim Hortans was right across from our school, i usually go there when I have no homework. So, there I went. I walked across the road, and into Timmi's.  I stood in line what felt like 5 minutes. It went by fast. When it was my turn, I ordered. "iced frappe with chocolate drizzle please." The lady nodded and went to make my frappe. Once she gave it to me, i gave her the cash and walked back to school. 

I was walking in the halls, going back to 4th period, when someone had bumped into me. My drink had spilt all over my clothes and shoes. I looked up, and saw 3 tall, bulky boys. And one of them, was him. Jason Mcann.

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