Chapter 13

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Chapter 13



Audrie opened the door, and invited her guests in. They walked to the snack table, grabbed some food, then ran off to the pool. We heard the doorbell ring again. We greeted them, and invited them in. Audure decided to leave her door oopen, because we would be too busy and having fun to aswer a door. A few hours had gone by, and it was now 8:00pm. Everyone was having so much fun. I gotta tell you, it was nice being at a party for once. Yeah I know what you're thinking, have I ever been to a party before? yes I have. There's just not a lot of parties when schools in. There's usually more in the later summer. You know how it is. I was now, laughing and having a great time by the pool. Thre wasn't a lot fo people that I didn't know here. There was prbably only about 7 poeple I didn't know. 

Anyways, life was great. It was fantastic. No worries, no drinkers and druggies, and no..Jas.. what?!

Jason's POV:

I walk into Y/N's friend's house, where they were hosting a party. I came with a few of my buds. I sure hope Y/Ns here. I really need to apolagize. Ugh, she's probably scared of you Jason! You freaking slapped her in her face! Whatever, the only reson I wated to come here is to see Y/N.

I walk into the backyard, looking around for Y/N. No sign. I talk to some people, and carry on. I finally see a girl with long brown hair. Damn. Yup, that's her. I walk up to her, trying to build confidence. "Y/N?" I spoke. She turned around, and noticed I was rught behind her. She looked terrified. SHe stepped back, pushing herself away from me. Her friends made a wall all aroud her so I couldn't get to her. They put their hands on their hips, with on eyebrow up, waiting for me to do something. "Ladies, I need Y/N for a sec." "Hmm, I don't know. I don't think we allow asses, to talk to our best friends. Do we ladies?" Audrie says in a protective tine. They all nod, not laying one eye off of me. "Y/N, I'm sorry fr what I did. I'm really an asshole." I spoke. 

Y/N slowly walks forward, keeping her head down. I smile a little, knowing that she built enoguh confidence to talk to an ass like me. SHe comes right up to me then shoves me back. I fall into the pool, as everyone oooooohs. She's fiesty. Jeez. I come to the surface, shaking my hair, letting the water fall out. I climb up the ladder, then walk to Y/N she walks backwards knowing what's going to happen. I grab her waist, then pick her up bridal style, then jump into the pool with her still in my arms. She swims away from me, then splashing water in my face. I go underwater and pull her leg. She fights me, but knowing that she'll fail. We come back up to the surface of the water. "I'm sorry Y/N, I really am. I never meant to hurt you." I said. She lightly smiles then mouths, "It's okay." I smile, knowing that we're good. I swim to the ladder and limb up it. I grab a dry towel, thinking that I will need it, but I see Y/N walking towards her friends, shivering. I walk t her a wrap the towel around her. "Wow, never thought such an ass would do this. Thanks Jason." She says while smiling. I smile back, and walk to my friends, joining the conversation. 

This, was what I was going for. I think letting out a relieved sigh. 

This night, was nice.

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