chapter 17

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We began setting up and the first few fans arrived. Dahvie ran out and started talking to them while I was talking to Sally.

"Where's Jayy? And do you know if he's still mad at me...?" I asked quietly.

"Uhh I think he went with Dahvie and took some fans backstage. As for the mad thing, you're on your own sister."

"So basically, I'm screwed eh?"

"Pretty much!" She chuckled. 

Great, I thought. Kyle's over with Drew so I guess I'll go find Jayy. Maybe we can work things out. It wasn't really my fault but I didn't want to have my heroes mad at me. 

I walked around the venue for a bit until I decided to look backstage where I came across a door saying "Dressing." A light was shining through the cracks of the door so I figured I'd see if he's in there.

I opened the door and looked in side. Of course, Jayy was sticking his tongue down some hot guys throat. He's gay, so why did I believe he ever liked me? Oh right, he's bi, but just prefers guys. I'm so stupid. They both turned to look at me and I just began walking out. I didn't have anything to say anyway.

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