cahpter 2....Predestinado

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Jason's Pov (aka earth)

I woke up early to work out today like every other day.
well,working out has served me as the best excuse for quite a while now. In the name of workout i get to pass by sarah's house,
and if am lucky enough i get to see a glimpse of her,
But if am crazy lucky then she comes out running to workout too,
and this is very rare but if i am the luckies in that day then she acctually notices me and says 'hi'.

I was about to pass her house when the girl of my dreams steped out jogging.
Her beautifull brown hair falls up and down with every step she took leaving me in an awe,staring at her wondering if its even humanly possible to get prettier with each and every second that passes.

I contemplated whether i should walk up to her and say hi or not. I finally manned up and with all the courage in me I started runnin fast towards her...
  "hi sarah"......
Damn it! she's wearing an earphone! Thats when she turns around and her eyes light up when she sees me. I might've imagened it too
'Hey Jason' she says...
she knows my name! she freaking knows my name! alright be cool...
"What are you doin round here?"
"...Stalking you"
she giggled leaving me on cloud nine. I must've used lifetime worth of luck today.

My day couldn't get any better, am now seated in my math class drifting off to what happened earlier this morning smiling to myself. ''Dude come back!'' Alex hissed. I didnt even notice him coming in the class. ''Whatchu doin here?''
''I transferred...changed classes'' 
''hurrey!! Halelujah!''
Sitting alone in a class was getting boring but with my buddy here in my math class, math didnt seem so much of a downer now...
Alright so its safe to say I was never on the popular list of students in the school although I wasn't a nerd either, okay  I might be a straight A student but thats not a nerd thats smart, I might not have a girlfriend but I do have a crush on the most beautiful girl of our school  who clearly knows my NAME thats not a nerd that's... yeah that's a nerd😡👀

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