chapter 5.... skæbnesvangre

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         sorry in advance for all the errors you might come across and Thanks for the love ya'all 😚

                JASON'S POV (aka earth)

Its friday the day most lads my age love but not me. I don't like friday cause it comes with Saturday and sunday which are the days I don't have class so am stuck home in between my mom and dad's quarrel about each and every single thing that goes by and trust me it ain't pretty.
I don't know why people get married in the first place I mean come on, its not like I don't believe in love or anything since the mare existence of sarah would be enough to prove my statement otherwise. But it's childish to think it won't run out cause it will eventually.
And am not being pessimist either I believe the right term to describe me would be more of a realistic.

Am sure they loved each other long ago too that explains why they chose the path of stupidity they'd call marriage. Look at them now, cheering my thoughts, against marriage on, with every weekend that comes in the name of family time being more like their war zone.
What I hate the most is when they drag me in their fights. Making me choose sides and all.

After 15 minutes of walk I can see my home getting closer and that's when I saw emily outside sitting on the porch.  ''What's up em?''
''Nothing J bear''
yup, thats what she calls me she knows I dont like it which is also why she keeps doing it so I act like I don't mind but my poker face ain't that good.
''C'mon kiddo what's up'' I sat next to her messing her hair up. Earning myself a glare.
''I broke up with james''
''Who's james?''
''My my ex'' she said rolling her eyes.
''You had a boyfriend?'' I was surprised and I didn't try to hide it I mean she's NINE does she even know what a boyfriend is? its probably one of those cute childsh role-play thing kids do. yeah that must be it. Thats probably it.
''I didn't know you had a boyfriend''
''Of course I did! every girl in our class have one''
Am tryin hard to be as cool as I can about this
''Why'd you breakup?''
''Because he saw me talking with bruke and he thinks something is going on between us. I mean I like bruke too buh I don't want him to be my boyfriend. James is way cuter and stacy had him on her rader waiting for him to be single. I don't mind breaking up but I don't want her to have him''
Okay people once again she's NINE. Unless age numbers changed their meanings nine is supposed to be small, pure, innocent, or at least a bit far from what am witnessing right now. I didn't have much to say or maybe I did  or maybe I had too much to say but I kept it in and went with the only thing that could come out.
''Listen em think five years from now. James wouldn't matter,how you feel about stacy wouldn't matter. Whatever is goin on don't waste too much of your time dwelling over it. It aint worth it lovebug none of that is worth what you've got.'' I was having my time with every word and enjoying being the wise, protective, matured older brother that I am and For a moment I thought she bought it untill...
''Really j bear? We saw that movie together like 10 times weirdo. Move!'' She pushed hard past me making me stamble and walked in the house. Don't ask me where she got all her strength from cause I do not know.

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