chapter 12... גוֹרָל

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Today's chapter name is Hebrew.

              SIARA'S    POV

'Variables'. Hands down those are the things I can't stand. I hate variables and I don't normally have a hard feeling towards anything let alone hate, but I abhor variables. It doesn't really matter how many times you've spent building the perfect plan. All it takes is one uncontrollable  'variable' you haven't expected to knock your, not so perfect now, plan crumbling to the ground. So, its truly hard to like. Still though, like Alec always says, ''one way or another, what is bound to happen will always happen.''

On that fateful day Hera was our variable. The variable we failed to neither expect nor control.

Alec rushed to the third sepulcher and placed the litten candle on top of it.  remember the branches I told you I chopped, with a little bit more force than needed,  on my way to the forest? Well Hera was getting rid of the whole tree to find her way through. Talk about an unnecessary usage of force. ''show off '' I murmured. Before Alec could finish the third spell, she pushed him and the spell book out of the circle which I was standing in.
''Tinso Alec, what do u think your doing? '',she screamed with fire in her eyes.
I was ready to call it quits and walk out of the circle untill I heard Alec say ''listen, Hera with all due respect my job is to find matches for every Malik no matter what the cost is, which applies the same for siara too whose match just happened to be in Athia.''
Hera looked at him like he's gone mad for a moment and her face turned stoic as she replied.
''I'll tell u what my job is Tinso! My job is to make sure no Melik is harmed, to keep them safe and to make sure no crimnal who harmed my people go unpunished.'' Without no consent from my mind my lips opened and spoke. ''Look it's not like we're hurting anybody...'' Hera gave me a deadly look and said ''she doesn't know, does she?''
Alec interrupted ''like I said, no matter what the cost is!''
''What cost?'' I asked.
Alec gave a stay quiet look that was way more serious than ever so I obeyed.
Hera once again looked my way and said the most dreadful thing I've ever heard. '' As we speak, 8 cities are being hit with a typhoon and hurricane including your city Akra, thousands of Maliks were severly injured. This is the first time so many was hurt in 100 ygons.(1 ygon is like 9.5 years) That sweetheart is the cost of you finding your love..''
Everything went blank. I couldn't think or hear what was said after that. My knees got too weak to hold me up. I looked at Alec, who was still in a tense debate with Hera.
''y-you knew about this?!'' I asked Alec. I knew there was no way he couldn't have known, I mean He is a Tinso after all. He looked at me and nodded. ''It wouldn't have happened, if it wasn't going to happen anyway'' he said. I couldn't believe my ears. I thought of Gumi. Could she have been hurt? Because of me? Faces of every malik I know started to flash across my eyes. We didn't have time for this. It had to stop right then. I never signed up for hurting anyone. I wanted it to stop.
'' we have to stop this Alec. I want this to stop this instant. Why didn't you tell me it had this kind of a cost Alec?!!'
''I only knew after we started and you already know there is only one way to stop the hurricane and the typhoon.''
''What is it?'' Said, Hera.
''The Oracle said once the spell is completed all shall come to silence.'' I was psyched to realize that there was a way to stop the typhoon and the hurricane. Why didn't I think of that sooner.
''What is that supposed to mean?'' Hera asked with a skeptical look on her face.
''It means we have to finish the spell quickly.'' I replied.
'' I can't trust neither of you!'',said Hera. Her eyes were glowing red. I knew she was going to attack but in a failed attempt to try and explain I said. ''Hera please! We don't have time for this. I want this mess to stop just as much as you do.'' For a moment I thought I was changing her mind but then she turned to attack mode again and said, ''I can't trust that either.''

From that point onwards all hell went loose. Before the red_ish ray thingie emitting from her hand could hit me, Alec got in the way and blocked it with the blue barrier he put around us. He told me to pass him the book. I run towards it and tried to pick it up, but just couldn't reach. Something kept pushing me back. I looked down to see the circle glowing white.
''Siara~ What wrong?'' Alec asked through a gritted teeth . He was holding Hera back with all his might. I didn't know he could do that. If we were under a different circumstances I would've woo'ed and wowed being impressed and all, but not today no. ''Um.. I think am stuck in this circle. I can't reach the book.''
''Uhh okay what page is it on?''
''Am not a Tinso Alec! all I see is blank papers''
''yeah...We can fix that'' ,he said.
''WHAT?'' My eyes bugged out.
''Look at me!'' ,He hissed. As he slowly turned his head around towards me.
I was looking at him just fine even before he said to do so. 7 round dots came out of his eyes and straight towards mine. All of them were glowing blue.
Alec shivered and went down on his knees still holding Hera out. The blue round dots entered my eyes and it was painful. Hell, having a kuslab would have been a walk in the park compared to the pain I felt then. I opened my eyes fter attempting to do so for alot of faild times. I didn't even begin to hold a grasp of what in the name of the almighty was happening untill for some reason I looked at the spell book and it now had letters on it. Letters I could actually read.
''Siaraaa I can't hold her forever.'' He said.
''Go ahead and tell me what it says...hurry! oh and goodbye in advance'' , Alec said. A tear dropped from my eye as I read the spell book. That really was a farewell for us. Not the kind I expected or would've liked to had had, but still it was what it was.
''Umm..okay so... odu bonjuala ni pati sohil...''
He repeated whatever I said, But I was still standing there. It was supposed to be over. I was supposed to go but am still here. Alec must have let his guards down for a slight moment cause Hera crushed the blue barrier and stepped forward. She threw Alec out of her way and came marching towards me. She stopped when she reached the circle. More like she couldn't get inside because something was stopping her. I looked at Alec who was just lying on the ground helplessly exhausted and staring blankly at me. He signed for me to read the book myself. I would laugh at him if Hera wasn't banging non-stop on the circle to get to me.  So I did the only thing I could have done and turned to the spell book, placed my hand on top of me and read the spell written in the book. A white fog started to fill the forest and swallowed it up. I saw a glimps of Alec's smile and then nothing. Nothing but white lights all around.

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