chapter 4(b) ....Diebus fatalibus

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 there is 2 parts for chapter 4 this one is 'b and you gotta read the 'a one first. Scroll down 😉      .......................................
  ''Are you sure about this cause i've never done this before so i don't exactly know how to contact you or return you home'' said Alec lookin at me with his eyes full of worry, not a look you see everyday. i knew how worried Alec was, i could see it in his eyes. I mean i couldn't blame him he practically raised me. I always liked to know what he does and how he does it every since i was a child, i kinda didn't give him much of a choice  to try and stop me from coming but he eventually gave in and started to let me just sit and watch. It didnt take much of a while for him to open up to me. we grew more and more closer by the day and Since i watched him find alot of matches I got to learn a lot about what he does but i was never a tinso so i can't actually do it myself incase you were wondering.  and then one day my mark started to appear just below my spine and to say i was happy would be an understatement i remember how fast i got to Alec's cave i was panting so hard that he thought i was having a 'kuslab' which is similar to being sick but we only sever from it in a certain circumstances like when 'zunga'(potato leaf) touchs our skin.Thats why every melik is so afraid of zung.
Anyway i told him how the mark has started to appear on me i knew we had to wait  till it has fully appeared to start the spell but i just couldn't wait  till how ever long it was gonna take. I waited anxiously counting every minute, every hour, every day that passes by. And then one day the mark had a glow on it. I was confused so i went to the only place any malik would go to to ask any questions regarding the mark, Alec's cave. He too didn't know what the glow was for it was the first time he ever saw anything like it. He started doing the spell but no vision came to him i could see he was perplexed about what to tell me since he knows how excited i was to meet my match and how much i wanted to be in love and be loved by my one true love. Well romance had always been my thing. It wasnt once or twice that i had gotten emotional and cried seeing all the matches Alec had matched being all lovey dovy. Alec knew all that so he cut contact with everyone and went out reading all the old tinso books to try and find a same situation for weeks. I didnt know where to look for him so i had to just sit there and wait till he decided to swing right back.

One fine morning i got off my bed like any other day,and yes we do have beds and we do sleep, had i known everything about my life wouldn't be the same anymore. I walked outside to bump right in to Alec. I was gonna give him a piece of my mind if i didnt see him talkin to himself and acting all not so Alec's like. He had a huge dark circle around his eyes indicating his lack of sleep  he was beginning to worry me. He abruptly walked closer and embraced me with a hug. Thats when i was officially worried. I asked what happened to him and why he looked like he's been having kuslab every since he left. ''It's Athia'' he said. I didn't know what he meant. I mean i knew what Athia is evey malik knows what Athia is. It's a beautiful planet in one of those fairytales.A planet where there lived poor  creatures who had lost their wings as a punishment for something they did a long time ago. And they're funny too i mean they could eat zunga without any problem. It doesn't have much of an effect on them. No bad effect at all. So yeah I knew about Athia but what i didn't know was why Alec is here in the morning blabbering about a fairytale world. But then his next 9 words or so changed my life for good.''...i found him siara i found your match he's....he's  in Athia''. I didn't know what to say or how to react. I was kinda happy cause he found my match but Athia? Does Athia even exist for real? Or had his lack of sleep gotten to his head? Was all the questions roaming my mind but all i could manage to ek out was...''what do you mean?''  He then explained what he meant. So apparently there actually is a planet called Athia he had to let me in to his vision for me to believe what he was saying might actually be true. It was a lot to take in but i sat there listening to all that he's got to say.

So back to present i hated making Alec concerned about me but that just wasn't enough to make me stop and rethink or weaken my resolve. I had to go.

   After about an hour of repentance of the same conversation about whether i was sure about this or not i finally managed to convince him on how set i was on going and he reluctantly agreed and started to tell me all that he knew on how to get there.

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