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"Why am I here?" I say in utter disgust, I flip my bag over my shoulder and walked out of class.

"Because of education, our parents forced us, our futures and the list goes on." Jessica said, counting on her fingers as she tells me the reasons why we are going to this hell hole of a school.

Jessica was my bestfriend ever since I moved to this country, I came from Los Angeles but my family immediately moved to New Jersey as soon as my brother earned a scholarship at this dumb school.

Jessica and I had one class together which was P.E which I was blessed as the guys here are absolutely dirty pigs to me without her protection. We walked side by side to our lockers, but separated as her locker was a long way down the hall.

"See you in PE ok, later Isabella" She skipped down the hall as I got out my gym bag from my locker. I felt so exposed, with Jessica I have a shield but without her I'm defenceless.

I turn around and eyes are on me, especially the eyes of the douche bag group, also known as the fuck boy collection as students like to call it, it consisted of four boys; gorgeous boys I may add.

There was Carter Woods, probably the nicest out of all of them but apparently a devil in the bedroom. William Peters, He has a girlfriend so he wasn't apart of the collection but still hanged out with them. Last but not least, the Dolans; There is Ethan Dolan and Grayson Dolan, both the lowest of the low. Make you feel special for the night like you're the one they want to be with and then dump you like a piece of rubbish but every girl is still drawn to them.

Grayson catches me staring and winks, I'm out of there not wanting to draw more attention to myself. I run to the change rooms and I'm out of breath. "You do realise PE hasn't started yet, unless you already warmed up." I look up to see Jessica smiling at me amused, I roll my eyes and get changed.

"Do you think that the Dolans will bother us today?" I grab my bag and shove my clothes into my bag. Jessica shakes her head and puts my bag and her bag in a change room locker. We walk out and boys numerously whistle, for fuck sake. Jessica being the confident person she is waves and winks at them.

I hit her indicating she's waved at too many boys as it is and drag her to the group that forms around our teacher. "Okay girls, go for a run around the track for 10 laps and when you're done do 50 sit ups. Lets go." He claps his hands together, I loved track probably because I was a good runner.

I start jogging around leaving Jessica behind because the girl takes too long.
"Hey baby girl." I hear a deep voice, I turn my head to see Grayson jogging next to me. I turn my head and run faster, attempting to loose him, but he runs at the same pace and appears next to me again.

"Hello again," he smirks, which I give him a eye roll in return. "You look good in your clothes, pretty hot if you ask me."

"Go away, Grayson. I'm not interested in talking to you right now, well at all for that matter."


I'm in History and I'm disgusted at the seating arrangements for this term, I sit next to Grayson Dolan in every class. He's always talking to me about girls and stuff I don't give a damn about.
"I told her I wasn't interested her and that no feelings were involved but she insisted that w-"
"Shut up Grayson." I growled interrupting him, he put his hand up in surrender. As soon as I've calmed down a little, Grayson puts his hand on my thigh, I slap his hand away immediately.
"Miss Dean, glad to see you have made friends with Grayson as you will be working with him on this assignment, Is that okay with you Mr Dolan?" Mr Evans says averring to the whisper argument Grayson and I had.

"That's more than okay with m-"
"No sir! I refuse to be his partner" I stand up pointing at Grayson who smirks at me.
" I volunteer to be Grayson's partner!" The slut also known as Juliana stood up waving her hand in the air, the girl could of asked Grayson for what she really wanted, he would have willingly obliged anyways.

"Sorry, I've decided already, Isabella and Grayson are partners." He says, gesturing for Juliana and I to sit down, Juliana stares at me in anger. Her eyes flaming up in anger and her arms crossed on her chest as she sits down.

This is horrible as much as I hate the bitch, I wish she got Grayson as her partner instead of me. I could deal with her slobbering all over him as long as it isn't me.


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