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"Don't touch me, Dolan." I snatch my hand out of his grasp, focusing back to the documentary.

"You're so boring, Bella." Grayson rolled his eyes as I hummed in response, Grayson is trying to make me skip this class as we have a substitute who has just fallen asleep.

"You have never skipped class before? Come on, we can go get food. " Grayson raised his eyebrows, I widened my eyes as my stomach groans.

"See, your health is more important than this class, now let's go get you some food." Grayson pushes his seat back, standing up and I follow.

Half the students have already left ages ago, we were watching a documentary before our substitute had fallen asleep. Only the goodie goodie students stay, taking notes and taking interest in the documentary, I would be one of them if Grayson didn't bribe me with food.

Grayson and I walk out the door quietly closing it behind us before we start running to the car park.


"We fucking made it. Drive through?" Grayson pulls into the drive thru of McDonald's, I start pulling out my purse to pay for my half of the meal when Grayson puts his hand on mine to stop me, the feeling of his warm hand on mine made me blush, how gross.

"I got it" He smiles, I shake my head "No, I have to pay, please let me", Grayson keeps driving to the second window to pay, "Don't worry about it, It's Madison, I've had sex with her, she'll give us a discount." He winks at me, I can't help but burst out laughing.

"Hey gorgeous," Grayson winks at Madison as she blushes, "How much do I need to pay?" Madison reads over the order. "$18.50 but I'll make it $12.50 if you come over tonight." Madison leans herself out of the window exposing her cleavage. Does she not see me? Let's hope not. "Of course, see you at 8." Grayson smirks, handing her $12.50.

Grayson drives forward and gets our food, he turns his head to me with a big smile on his face. "I fucking told you, high fucking five Bella." Grayson cheers while high fiving me.


We make it to a park where we decide to eat our food, I realise I haven't told him about what happened with Jessica, I guess I just don't know what to say. Do I tell him that she's pregnant? Or that she's angry at me for hanging out with him because she's got some crazy crush on him? I'm not sure what he would do if I told him.

"Bella, Are you okay?" Grayson nudges me, looking slightly worried at my all of a sudden silence. "Yes I am. Gray, can I tell you something? I'm not sure how you'll react." I decide that I should tell Grayson about it even if I'm not sure how he'll react. Grayson nods and waits for me to continue.

"I mentioned before that Jessica and I aren't friends anymore, I didn't tell you the reason why but I feel you should know." Although it isn't a big deal that Jessica has a crush on him, it's the fact that she's a borderline pyscho and wants to abort her baby because it's not Grayson's.

"I'm sure you're aware that Jessica is head over heels for you but she is also pregnant and wants to abort the baby because it's not yours." I say rather too quickly but look at Grayson hoping he understood what I said.

He stares at me blankly and I'm honestly confused, "She's pregnant?" Grayson says, he looks so unfazed as if he already knew that Jessica was pregnant. "Yes, she is and she wants to abort it because it's not your child." My heart once again drops for the poor child who won't have a chance to enter the world.

"Isabella, it's her child and her body, it's her decision whether she wants to keep it or not, not yours." Grayson explains bluntly, I'm rather taken back for him siding with Jessica and by the fact that he totally ignored that I told him that she's killing an unborn baby just because it's not his, but he does have a point. I can't stop her from aborting the child, no matter how much I disagree with it.

"I understand that you feel bad for the child but we don't have the right to tell her to keep it." Grayson gives me a small smile, and I return it.

Moments go past and Grayson and I are in dead quiet silence, I'm just not sure what to say, why was Grayson so calm when I told him about her pregnancy? Did he already know?

"Bella, there's something you should know." Grayson suddenly says quietly, he looks at me and he seems disappointed.
"I wanted to tell you that I kn-" Grayson is suddenly cut off to girls giggling. Just by the sound of the laughs, I know who they are.


This is so shit but I'm so sorry for lack of updates! I've decided to come back and try and finish this book!

Also wanted to say, Rest In Peace to Sean Dolan who passed away. My prayers go out to the Dolan family for their loss :( xx

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