chapter 1

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"Who is this girl? Will the question ever have an answer or will she forever be a mystery to me?"

That is the only thing i was hearing inside of my head. Oh, i thought, this little voice never shut up (rolling my eyes at my own thoughts).
It's the voice that question every move every situation every person i came across since i was a little girl. I have a thing for pushing the boundaries, imagining what's underneath the layers of what is obvious to the naked eye...

"Hum! Naked! How does she look underneath this cute uniform of hers?"

I am a photographer, at 28 they say (by they i mean the public) they say i am pretty successful for the short career i had so far. Something about the way i saw the world through my lens make the mind wander, my last critic noted. However i was never really comfortable sharing my work always scared of failure or worst disappointing the people who believed in me.

The plane was about to take off, i was floating inside my own head when a luminous face leaned down towards me

-ma'am, fasten your seatbelt please. Thank you.

Said the girl with the most gorgeous smile you could imagine. I looked up and there she was, the subject of my questioning since i boarded the plane, "who is this girl?"

The flight attendant was long gone by the time Miss "i need to know everything about everything" that is me, came back from wanderland.

I was heading to Bangkok, some festival slash Thai new year celebration was taking place and i thought it's a great opportunity to take some shots for my upcoming gallery.

For the almost 6 hours flight from Dubai to Bangkok i was the incarnation of a stalker. I just can't get my eyes off this girl more accurately woman that was my flight attendant and that voice inside my head was getting louder and louder like an embarrassing bad behaving kid insisting on knowing everything there is to know about the red lipstick goddess but most probably all i'll ever have to share with her is a random 6 hours in the confining space of my passenger seat...

Ufff the horror, as much as i travel i hate it, i was never into the packing, the queuing, the minor heart attack you get looking for your passport at the custom desk, waiting for the luggage and the list goes on. Can you people invent teletransportation already...

I think the man next to me was as much hypnotized by the flight attendant as i was and probably he noticed which made him feel it's okay to talk to me (bad idea)

- You think she would be okay if i ask for her number?

All i said was,

-huh, who... i guess.

I threw myself into my laptop screen immediately trying to edit some of my latest shots. Now okay, i might seem like a huge bitch to you people but if someone have their earphones on and making no eye contact with you in the social behavior book of 2017 that pretty much mean STOP DON'T TALK GO AWAY. The guy didn't get the hint and kept on talking some blah blah blah that i had to dismiss myself from my own seat and go stand at the back of the plane, i must admit it wasn't a bad thing after all i had a very good angle to stalk that mystery girl that was literally smilling to everyone she served or looked at. See, me being the bitch that you think i am, that is some superhuman powers manifesting in her right there.

As i was standing there, she caught me looking right into her eyes ( i was never good with eye contact so my natural reaction was those weird fast three or four blinks... "making some good impression there girl" i said to myelf) she smiled and OH MY...

Imagine the first time you ever tasted chocolate, the first time you really succeeded doing something, the first time you traveled, the first time you earned your own money, the first time you've been kissed... imagine all of that and combine it. only then, you'll get a close enough idea of what that smile did to me.

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