Chapter: "The Final Word"

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*Takes in a deep breath* Last chapter :D You're all welcome to the farewell party! Hopefully, all of you would show up ^^ It's a long one. Let's see who can score the most comments - I mean, blast it through :D It's the LAST CHAPTER!!

Alright, let's go . . .

Salma tore her eyes from the blond football star lifting some trophy he had recently won. Arethas Z. Grace, the MLS champion's LA Glaxay's forward and captain. Out of blue, she suddenly had a flashback of the same guy telling her to keep an eye out for the forward of the team, except, back then his hair was dark and his name was Zayn.

"I'd say keep a keen eye out for the LA Galaxy's forward. You'd be surprised. . . I don't like to brag but he's almost as good as I am."

"Oh really?" Salma had chuckled, finding his comparison of himself to some professional super star, funny.

"You better trust me on the last part," Zayn had muttered to himself, an amused smiled playing upon his lips.

Sighing, Salma closed the tabs and stuffed the gadget into her bag. Her fingers grazed over the thick envelop, making her pause. It had been three days since the disastrous nikkah and her meeting with Zayn at the park. Three days since she had taken any classes, or given Zayn any sorts of a response on his request to meet.

Shaking her head, Salma quickly flipped the flap over, only to see Zayn's memory stick that was attached to it, jingle in its key chain. Salma felt a renewed sense of frustration taking over her upon getting reminded of what the stick contained.

"Oh, how did I always freaking manage to not connect the dots on time!" Salma groaned, putting her head in her hands. So much had been happening around her before each of bombshell that Zayn dropped on her, and yet she had been blind to most of it. Of course, until it hit her in the face and then she'd just lose her mind and bawl like a baby.


Sighing, Salma lifted her head and shouldered her bag. Her stomach twisted in an intensely painful knot knowing what she was about to do.


"I'm coming!" Salma shouted back at her brother angrily.

She took a deep breath knowing there was no avoiding it. She squared her shoulders and checked her reflection in the mirror one last time.

"When the going gets tough, the tough gets –"

"Salma! Just get down here already!"

Salma sighed.

"-going," She finished, before turning her back on her pale reflection and stepping out of the room.


"Before you start exploding, I had no part in his –"

"I figured," Salma cut Sarah short, putting an end to her concerns.

The two girls had met a little while ago outside the café. Sarah was getting her coffee before the next class when Salma ran into her on her way in.

"That's a relief," Sarah muttered, "In case you want to know what part I played, I can explain."

Salma dismissed her offer with a wave. She couldn't care less. Maybe someday, when she wasn't so sickened with nerves that she felt like throwing up every other second, she would ask Sarah to explain why she let slip to Zayn about Ghamey, but not today.

Sarah turned her attention to her friend to see her eyes set on the boy seated next to one of the windows in the cafe. His firm gaze was fixated on the path up to the café, where he'd catch her first glimpse. Quite frankly, Salma was surprised. She was not expecting him there considering she was three days late to the meeting.

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