Chapter 12

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              JOSIAH FELL ON TOP of me in a push-up position, careful not to hurt me

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              JOSIAH FELL ON TOP of me in a push-up position, careful not to hurt me. Our playful moment instantly went sexual. We were pillow fighting with the cushions before we fell.

The house was quieter than usual. However, we ignored the silence, knowing that everyone was going to arrive home late. My parents always came home late, and Chris was at a party with his basketball team.

Josiah rolled beside me, tucking a stray of my hair behind my ear. He had the clearest eyes I've ever seen, and I loved getting lost into them. I stared back at him, my breath hitching as he leaned his face closer to mine. He nuzzled our noses together which left me in surprise 'cause honestly I was expecting a kiss from those sweet lips of his.

"You're so fucking beautiful," he whisper-shouted. A smile stretched over my lips as he leaned in to give me the kiss I so desperately wanted, teasing me slowly. Trails of kisses were left on my face from my forehead to my lips. The passion behind the kiss soon disappeared into lust which didn't frighten me at all. I knew how much he wanted me, but he promised to wait until I was ready. What stunned me was how rough his kiss had gotten. It was almost as if he was forcing me to kiss him, my eyes flew open when his hands snaked under my shirt and into my sweats.

"Siah, stop."

It was like I should've kept my lips sealed because what I said went through one ear and came out the other. He looked up at me for a slight second, and I was suddenly terrified of him. This person on top of me was not my Josiah.

Or was it now his true colors were bursting through the actions?

I tried pushing him off me but he stayed rock solid over me, so I decided to kick him off me the only way I knew would have him on his knees long enough for me to run. Josiah was getting up and I wasn't going to stay there and watch him do what I think he was trying to do. Therefore, I ran. I ran as quickly as my feet could carry me.

I felt lucky that I got a chance to reach the door, but luck went through the door before I had a chance to. Luck left me hanging when I needed it the most 'cause it allowed Josiah to reach me. His hand slammed on my shoulder harder than my heart slammed against my ribcage and-

"Hello? Anybody home?"

I shook my head, blinking a few times out of the past because I felt someone knocking on my forehead.

"Are you okay?  'Cause it looks like you zoned out on me," Raymond continued.

I'm pretty sure he was hallucinating. If anyone was here with me, my thoughts wouldn't have unwillingly drifted off to that October night.

I sucked in all the spit in my mouth until it was dry, biting the inside of my bottom lip.

"Y-yeah," I stuttered. I quickly avoided his accusing his and glanced out the window, coughing at the sudden rancid smell. Waving the scent away didn't really help it go away. "What is that horrible scent?"

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