"Maybe dreams do come true after all. Even dreams we chase at midnight hours, Shorts."
At least Ray had dreams to chase because I ran away from mine. My dreams aren't the kinda dreams I could just wake up at midnight and chase 'em.
I have nightm...
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PRESENTABLE DINNER TABLE and mouthwatering scent, but that's all there was to it. Again I caught dad giving that someone-please-save-me kinda look as he loosened his tie. To buy him some time, Dad decided to take a shower that was longer than necessary, but we both knew that there was no way out of this.
Let me explain. Mom rarely makes dinner, so when she does she expects everyone to eat. I mean EVERYONE. I do not know who she got her stubbornness from, but there is no talking her out of anything once her mind is set.
"Mom, you're awfully early today."
"Yeah," she nodded in agreement as she placed down the last few utensils, not making an attempt to further explain.
Hakeem strolled over to me with a frown. "Everything looks pretty delicious to me. Ray, admit it, you wanted all of this to yourself."
"Looks can be deceivin' buddy." I gave him a reassuring tap on the back. This guy has absolutely no idea what he has gotten himself into. The bakery goods and Publix vanilla ice cream were the only things I was looking forward to.
Raymond and Chris nodded at each other before we were even seated. "Mum, can I leave my food for later. I kinda already ate."
Disappointment etched over her face as her smile dropped. She sharply cut through his sentence. "So? You knew I was chefing it up from yesterday."
Dad stifled a peal of laughter causing mom to confusingly stare. "Nothing honey. Something funny ran through my mind."
"Which reminds me," I started, trying my hardest not to laugh. "Why did Ray know that Chris was coming and I didn't?"
"It was supposed to be a surprise sis," Chris explained, kissing my forehead. "Surprise!"
Mom sighed in defeat. "You guys can leave. You don't eat much anyway."
Immediately Raymond went to the kitchen and entered back with those big ass bowls filled with ice-cream. I glowered at both of them, watching Chris grab about five pineapple rolls. "Love you, mums!"
Believing that I could also get away as the boys did, I attempted to make an excuse, but mom stopped me before I even opened my mouth. My eyes rolled over to Raymond, who was laughing shamelessly at me.
I was both jealous of the boys quick thinking and disappointed that I didn't beat them to it. Dad threw me a look, raising his eyebrows and hiding a smile behind his hands that were clamped together in front of his mouth.
"Ray, it's not going to work. Now shush as your handsome friend says grace, " Mom instructed.
Contrary to what I thought, Hakeem's prayer was quite short and abrupt. He eagerly thrust a spoonful of pasta in his mouth. Slowly, as if testing it, he chewed. Both dad and I watched with eagerness and curiosity. At first, we got no reaction out of Hakeem. It was until he was about to spit out the food that he spotted mom staring at him.