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The Swan & The Crow » The Tudors:

"Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness."
- Oprah Winfrey.


12th August 1528

"There is more to me than what your lustful heart desires-"

Elizabeth Valentine paused, bitting the skin just at the edge of her thumbnail with anxiety. Her throat felt tight and dry. Unable to finish the black ink scribbled upon fine parchment she purchased just days prior.

"Go on!" whispered a shrewd voice from Elizabeth's eldest cousin, Samantha Gray.

"I do not think I should..." Elizabeth lowered her hand and threw her letter onto the dining table, leaning back into her chair.

How could she continue to read her rejection towards a fine nobleman who wanted nothing more but Beth's hand in marriage? How many times had she gone through this since turning into a woman? Too long it seems and Elizabeth had grown tired of it.

Elizabeth flicked her virescent eyes onto a blonde Samantha who looked back at her with a dull expression. You see, Elizabeth was nothing like Samantha. At the age of eighteen, she became a wife and had been blessed with a healthy son. She lived a life every woman wanted. With stability. With honour. However; Elizabeth could never truly see herself marrying just any nobleman who held money but no intelligence. She wanted more.

"I don't understand you," Samantha sighed whilst reaching for the letter. She gave it a quick look but lowered it, unable to read the whole thing without guidance. "You are so beautiful even at the age of twenty-five, yet you refuse to marry any man. Master Benedict would be such a great match for you."

Frustrated, Elizabeth stood up and scoffed, placing her hand onto the front of her low cut bodice. Platinum strands of hair fell onto her pale face as she paced the room and teased the charm hugging her long neck.

"I do not need a husband to mark my name in history, Sam. Don't you believe we can be more than just wives and child-bearers?"

Samantha let out a sigh and she too stood. Taking Elizabeth's hands in hers, Samantha gazed at her cousin with sympathy. Before Samantha stood a well-educated woman with beauty any woman could ask for. Since the age of five, Elizabeth studied different languages, cultures, politics, literature, and astronomy. She was not a woman of their time and held a stubborn will to not marry until she was ready.

Samantha loved this about Elizabeth but at the same time, she feared for her. Maybe if Katherine Valentine hadn't died giving birth to Beth, things would have been different. Maybe if Philip Valentine did not see his daughter as a son, Elizabeth would listen to reason. To Samantha, all of this just seemed odd and out of place.

"My dearest cousin," Samantha cooed, rubbing the tips of her thumbs against the top of Beth's knuckles. "I just wish you would at least consider your future not only for your sake but for your father's sake. -"

With a groan, Elizabeth wiggled her fingers from Samantha and spun around in annoyance. Hiding her pink plump lips behind her hand.

Yet again words with the attempt to push Beth into a direction she did not want or care for. Sir Benedict might have been wealthy and handsome, but she could not just settle down with him. Not him.

"- He is no longer the young man we grew to known. Uncle is withering away -"


Samantha ceased her speech as the door leading into the kitchen from the garden burst open. A man of his 60s ran in, looking dishevelled, holding a thick parchment with the royal crest sealed just at the bottom of it. Strands of silver hair sway above his green eyes and his lips twitched into a smile of pure bliss.

Both women looked at Sir Philip with perplexed expressions. Unsure if he had gone mad or just could no longer care for his appearances.

"Look!" Philip shoved the letter into Elizabeth's hands as she went over to check on him. "T - T - They did it, Beth. The Boleyn's." That is all he could speak before he slumped down into one of the wooden seats, laughing hysterically.

Samantha ran to Elizabeth's side, peeking over her shoulder. Although she could not read, Samantha noticed the Royal Crest immediately and a light lit up inside of blue eyes.

"I've been invited to court...." Elizabeth breathed.

Sir Philip knew all too well about Court life for he is the Duke of Edinburgh and had gained himself plenty of royal attention. Elizabeth, however, never encountered England's Courts. She gained the pleasure of Spain's Courts but nothing this spectacular.

The Boleyn's had promised to allow Elizabeth to gain access, a way to slither their people in without being looked upon. An unspoken agenda clearly only the small group understood. Samantha couldn't quite get why Elizabeth would be invited. To be a Lady-in-Waiting perhaps?

"Oh, papa!" Elizabeth cried as he stood to embrace his daughter. "We did it."

Philip chuckled with delight, pulling back to cup his palms onto the side of her head. Father and daughter shared a smile and laughter, completely forgetting all about Sir Benedict and Samantha.

"Soon, we will mark your name in history on your terms, my sweet rose! You will be remembered for all eternity. Just you wait."


[ a/n ]

Hello x
Thank you for reading the prologue to The Swan and The Crow! I've decided not to put too much details of their plans into the prologue so I do apologize for that. The chapters will be longer and have more details but for the prologue, I just wanted to keep it simple.

Please give me feedback! Feedback is very important!
Also, something's may not be as historically accurate within this book. I know readers can be a little 'eh' when writers changes things, but for the plot sake -n- drama sake, some events or matters will not be accurate.

Just a fair warning.

- Luna.

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