Dizzy Hearts.

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The Swan & The Crow x The Tudors.

" "Soulmate" is an overused term, but a true soul connection is very rare, and very real. "

~ Hilary Duff.


"Did you not read them?" Elizabeth pressed.

Thomas Cromwell solemnly shoved a book back into its rightful place on the shelf. A day had gone by since their short meeting. If anyone could call it that. Thomas kept to himself well after disappointing Elizabeth. Never would he imagine her will to understand his silence could irritate him to no end. It seemed as if Elizabeth sniffed him out and made a personal promise to God to get the truth out.

She went as far as to follow Thomas into the library just south within the palace.

Thomas did not break. Only a few grunts came from his mouth and a few glaring stares.

Elizabeth wouldn't understand.

"Mister Cromwell!" Elizabeth whispered loudly, slamming one of his books on the table. Scaring individuals sitting near. Thomas did not look up, he only licked the tip of his right pointing finger and flicked the page.

"You're causing a scene, Lady Valentine," Thomas spoke dryly.

"You are the one who offered to help me. You. Not me. Did you take my ideas?"

Thomas finally pulled his attention away from the thick pages of his book and gave Elizabeth a look. She sat across from him. Hands gripping one of the small books he chose to be a good fit for his research. This day, her hair was done up. Showing the front of her silver hair, dressed with pearls. A style Lady Anne began since her first day at court. Elizabeth's neck was fully exposed and the front of her dress seemed to be cut low. Exposing her chest a little more than usual.

Thomas carefully studied that area, clearing his throat once he noticed and his ears grew hot.

"I am a reasonable man, I think. I would never take your ideas for granted. They gave me a lot to think about."

"Then why not address me? Why only my father?" Frowning, Elizabeth lowered her head in shame.

Thomas opened his mouth, nearly spilling out his truthfulness but he quick to catch himself. The truth was, Thomas could not bear to be around Elizabeth. Not because he disliked her. No. Thomas felt the opposite and that troubled him.

After his wife died, Thomas promised to stay faithful. Lady Cromwell might be in the afterlife but his heart swelled only for her. Until Elizabeth waltz into his dull life. Thomas knew as soon as he laid his eyes onto Elizabeth, that his heart began to flutter with that same emotion he promised to his wife.

Elizabeth wasn't like any other woman here in court. Beautiful, intelligent, ambitious, with a wonderful mind. Everything Thomas found attractive. Without even trying, Elizabeth swooned him.

That couldn't be acceptable. He loved his wife. How could he possibly betray Lady Cromwell?

The only option had to be there and his idea of rejecting his feelings - ignoring Elizabeth completely. However, she clearly will not allow it.

Thomas closed his book, placing it on the wooden table, he then rests his arms onto the surface of that very table. Finger intertwine. He looked at Elizabeth and breathed in with caution.

"I am not a simple man. Reasonable but not simple. For there are things I can not and shan't explain. Though Lady Elizabeth, I keep my promises and I keep them close to my heart. Yesterday morning, I did speak to our Majesty and took a request for one evening to have an audience with you."

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