Possible Friendships.

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The Swan & The Crow x The Tudors.

"We're all working together; that's the secret."

- Sam Walton


{ a/n }

Before we begin; I have changed the year to 1528 not 1530.

{ Also, I want to give RedPanda1203 a special thanks for speaking with me about this story and her own. She is very kind and her story; The Other Henry VIII is brilliant! Please check it out if you have time! You will not regret it. }



23rd August 1528

Head bowed low and eyes closed loosely, Elizabeth Valentine curtsy deep to show His Majesty the utmost respect. Before her, behind a long table filled with lavish dishes and sweets, sat King Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Anne had taken Catherine of Aragon's place next to the King. Showing that she now had the upper hand and full ear of Henry. Their love no longer a secret from every courtier and peasant alike.

Henry felt marry and hopeful that Pope Clement VII would soon realise his marriage to Catherine is indeed null and void. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey will come back from France and have the very answer Henry so deeply desired. These hopes were a cause to hold a banquet. Anything to keep his spirits alive until Wolsey's return.

"Your Majesty," Beth says smoothly.

Henry smiled over to Anne who kept her eyes on him, watching him for any signs of lustful interests. She could never be too careful no matter how much he proclaimed to love her. "Lady Valentine, it is so great to meet you once again," he said whilst placing his attention back onto Elizabeth. "Mistress Anne has told me a lot about your ideas of war efforts and Philosophy."

Beth stood up straight and politely smiled in return. She intertwined her fingers together and placed them behind her, an attempt to keep them from shaking. Henry's presence was frightening and she feared if any wrong word slipped from out of her lips, she'd lose any chances of getting what she wanted. "Yes, Your Majesty. I've studied a great deal of history about war. Sir Phillip Valentine, my father, was once a Noble Knight. He used to tell me much about his adventures whilst growing up."

"Ah. Yes. Your father fought alongside King Henry VII during The Wars of the Roses. Great man he is and much respected here at Court." Henry beamed. He scanned the great room to find Phillip Valentine speaking with Sir Thomas Boleyn just three tables away. "Why don't you visit me during one of my meetings. I would be delighted to hear what you have in mind."

Although what felt like waves of shock slithered up and down Beth's body, she conceals her excitement, keeping that elegant posture. "I would be honoured to express my own opinions on these great matters, Majesty. As much as His Majesty will allow." Beth bowed once more before carefully backing away without taking her eyes from Anne who smirked slyly back at Elizabeth.

"Anne's silent seduction kept the Kings attention for quite some time now. I believe with the Grace of God, she will have him wrapped around her finger completely," Sir Thomas Boleyn spoke in such a whisper for Lord Valentine and Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, had to strain their eardrums. "In due time, our rise to power will be continuous."

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