Chapter 1: Mission

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Deep inside the dimension, known as the Ghost Zone, was an unusual place. Giant gears and clocks were floating in the neverending mass of green and black. In the center of that place stood giant clocktower. That was lair of Clockwork, The Master of Time. The owner of the building currently stood in a massive room in front of one of his viewing screens.

It was showing the image of a fifteen years old boy with jet-black hair and green eyes, fighting with white skinned figure in dark robes. Of course, Clockwork knew who those two were. Especially the last one. Tom Marvollo Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort. That person was guilty of many things. One of them was the reason Time Master of Time was going to have guests in

"CLOCKWORK!" high voices sounded across the tower. Here they come. The Observants. Clockwork's biggest headache.

"I assume, you are here to discuss the matters of Thomas Riddle?" He asked, changing into his toddler form.

"YES! He has returned and you know that!" One of them shouted.

"No need to be so loud, I will handle this, as always."

"You are going to send your surrogate son, aren't you?" Second Observant asked.

"It shouldn't matter to you, I can't intervene directly. Now, please, don't forget to close the door"

With that his guests went away. For once they were right, Clockwork WAS going to send Daniel on a mission. Why not, he was completely capable of that. Young Phantom faced the beings considered gods in some cultures and emerged victorious.

Clockwork took the boy in when he was six years old. Danny's parents were ghost hunters, very bright for that matter. But Ectology was a new science. And very dangerous. Ectoplasm itself was a hazardous material, that's why Jack and Madeline were wearing jumpsuits 24/7. And, as Time Master saw many times, people never learned from their mistakes. Older Fentons weren't exception. You would think the accident with Ghost Portal prototype will teach them to take some precautions. It sent their college friend into hospital for ten years! But no, they just needed to create another one. Fentons built it in the basement of their house. New portal was bigger and more energy-consuming. Clockwork still remembered that day when it was finished.

-Nine years ago-

"Kids! Get down to the basement, please!" Jack Fenton's loud voice rang through the entire FentonWorks building. He was a very tall man in his midyears with blue eyes and graying black hair, wearing bright orange jumpsuit.

The basement of Fentons' household was also a lab. Walls, floor and roof were covered in the lists of metal, shining with silvery light. Pieces of engineering were scattered everywhere where you look. And, of course, the pearl in this place was Fenton Portal. Jack and Maddie were working on this project for a long time. And now, it's finally done!

There was a sound of loud and fast footsteps on the stairs. Two kids came down. The first one was eight years old girl with red hair and teal eyes. There was also a younger boy with black hair and icy blue eyes. That were Jazz and Danny respectively.

"What is it, Dad?" Asked the older sibling. Jack grinned.

"We wanted to show you our newest invention!" He answered.

"Is this that portal thingy?" Danny asked curiosly.

"Of course, sweetie!" Confirmed Maddie, removing red googles from her eyes, "Jack, you can start"

"Yo-hoo!" Tall man shouted in excitement. He grabbed two wires from the floor.


With that Jack plugged them in. The insides of the portal were lit by electrical sparks jumping all around. Nothing happened after that, and Fenton seniors were caught off guard by that lack of any reaction whatsoever. Their calculations couldn't be wrong, they had checked them for countless times. Then, portal started to make whirring sound, and green and black vortex appeared on the inside.

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