Chapter 12: The Order

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Every resident of Hogwarts was rethinking what happened during yesterday feast. Why shouldn't they? It's not like Spirit of Halloween bargs in every day. And there is also the matter of Daniel Work. Everyone thought him to be just a happy-go-lucky prankster, NOT the one who can boss Fright Knight around. However, they admitted that there was something strange about him. Starting from the fact that Work's magic always had an unmistakable deathly green color.

Everyone who wasn't a clueless idiot could notice that 'Phantom', as Fright called him, was hiding something. You wouldn't get any information about his past from him. He would either avoid the questioning or his answer would be too vague. Except a few moments, like when Danny told the first years about dragon. And the main question is, why he has a title of Prince?

Harry, Ron and Hermione weren't the exception. Completely opposite, they were thinking more than anyone else.

" reckon that Danny is half human?" Ron asked as the trio was walking down for breakfast.

"I'm sure of that," Hermione said confidently.

"And why?"

"Do you remember what happened during the first DADA lesson with Umbridge?"

"Yeah, he snapped after she mentioned half breeds..." Harry said.

"That's not all, I saw how his eye flashed green," Hermione added.

"Green? What is he, then?" Ron asked.

"I don't know..." boys stared wide eyed. It was the first time Hermione said that she didn't know something. She noticed that, "I mean...I have suspicions, but I hope I'm wrong"

"What is it?" Harry asked. Something told him that he didn't want to know. Suddenly Peeves emerged from the corner.

"Well, well, dip me in chocolate and call me biscuit if it's not Potty Wee Potter and friends!"

"What do you need, Peeves?" Ron asked annoyed.

"Oh, no biggie, really, I was just minding my business," Peeves answered and blew a raspberry.

"Go away then," said Harry.

"Nope," he blew another one.

The best way to deal with Peeves is ignore him, that's the fact. So, the trio went to breakfast. The chatter was very loud, they weren't the only ones making theories here. Even at the staff table was a conversation. The breakfast was coming to the end, but no one was in hurry. Curiosity made them stay in the Great Hall, because Danny said that he will return during it. And the doors opened wild with loud sound, revealing Danny standing there. Everyone was stunned by how Phantom looked, they all noticed pointed ears. In his hand he twirled black cane with silver handle.

"Looks like I was right," muttered Hermione to no one.

"Morning!" Danny shouted cheerfully. Some people could swear they saw fangs. The ones, who didn't see them, were confused about a few faints. Phantom started to walk to his table.

"Mr. Work," Dumbledore called, causing Danny to look at Headmaster, "We all are genuinely curious about where you left in such...unusual circumstances"

"Well, I am a king now," he shrugged nonchalantly. Everyone stared wide eyed, besides Albus, who kept neutral face, "I left for the coronation"

"That's another thing, king of what?" Danny grinned. Now everyone saw sharp canines.

"I'm afraid that's not yours or anyone else's business," he said, putting some bacon on his plate.


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