Chapter 2: Shopping

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A.N. I haven't read a book for a long time, so there will be some additions for now

Third person POV

It was a calm evening in Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. But not for Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of this school and the leader of the Order of Phoenix. He was an old man in grey robes, with long beard and blue eyes, which had an unusual twinkle inside them. Currently Albus was walking through the huge stone corridors with two proffesors. One was a stern looking woman in green clothes and pointed hat you imagine every time, when someone says 'witch'. Another one was a man with greasy black hair, wearing black robes.

"Albus, is there really no better candidates?" The woman, Professor McGonagall asked.

"I'm afraid there is no choice, Minerva. Even if there were, Ministry would scare them away. Quite desperate, they are," answered headmaster as the twinkle in his eyes dimmed a little.

"Desperate? More like annoying," said Severus Snape, the one in black.

After saying the password, trio went into headmaster's office. It was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A number of curious silver instruments stood on spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of whom were snoozing gently in their frames. There was also an enormous, claw-footed desk, and, sitting on a shelf behind it, a shabby, tainted wizard's hat — the Sorting Hat. It was a sight every of them got used to. However they did NOT expected someone to be here.

Near the desk was standing an old man in purple clothes. He hunched his shoulders and gripped his strange staff. All in all, he looked like he is going to fall on the floor at any moment. The elder had white beard, longer than Albus', and under mass of wrinkles you could see brown, reddish eyes, one of which was scarred. Still, he had some aura of power around him. Two professors took out their wands, but person just ignored them and started to talk in deep voice.

"Good evening, Albus. Long time no see," he smiled to the shocked headmaster.

"Charles? Is that really you?" Asked Dumbledore and gestured to his companions to low their 'weapons'.

"Yes, my friend, it's me. Quite homey place you have here"

"It's pleasure to meet you again, Charles. It has been a very long time. But, I believe it's not just a friendly visit"

"You are right, it isn't," he answered with a sigh. The conversation continued after everyone situated on their seats near the desk.

"I've heard about the whole Voldemort ordeal," said Charles, causing professors' eyes to widen at the calling Dark Lord by name, "and I wanted do discuss about it"

"Did you decide to join The Order?" Albus asked. He really hoped Charles would say yes. He is a very powerful wizard, Dumbledore learned that, when he met the man for the first time. Back then, Mr.Work defeated an army with a mere wave of a hand.

"I'm too old for another war, Albus," the man chuckled sadly, "but I have a request for you, and I need a little help"

"What is this request?" Dumbledore was very curious about it. Charles NEVER asked about something.

"I need you to accept my son to Hogwarts," answered Charles, causing Headmaster's eyes to widen in surprise.

"You...have a son?"

"Yes, I found Daniel nine years ago and raised him as my own. He has a big potential, maybe I will see the day, when his power will surpass my own," the guest smiled proudly, "I teached Daniel for some time myself, but I believe he will do better here"

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