Chapter 5: First day of school

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-Griffindor tower, after feast-

"That was weird," said Hermione as she and her friends arrived to their common room. It is full of squashy armchairs, tables, and a bulletin board where school notices, ads, lost posters, etc. can be posted. The common room is decorated in several shades of red, which is associated with the house. The common room is comfortable, but not more comfortable than the Hufflepuff basement.There are many windows that look out onto the grounds of the school, and a large fireplace dominates one wall. The mantle of the fireplace is adorned with a portrait of a lion. The walls are decorated with scarlet tapestries that depict witches and wizards, but also various animals. There are also bookcases located in the room, filled with various novels.

"Why did Hat told about Danny out loud? It has never done that before" she continued.

"I'm more worried about why it reacted like that. It can't be just his 'peculiar personality'," said Harry. He was still sad that Danny was in rival house. Which also confused him, this guy didn't seem like a type.

"And now he is stinking snake," muttered Ron angrily.

"Ron! If he is in Slytherin doesn't mean he is evil!" Hermione exclaimed. Suddenly they were greeted by two identical boys with red hair, who were two years older than them.

"Well, evil or not..." started the first one.

"We are going to find out what's in this flask of his," finished the second.

"What flask?" Harry asked.

"He drank something from it..."

"And nothing happened. But when he gave it to Crabbe and Goyle..."

"They are out cold"

"Do you think he will share the recipe?" Asked one from another.

"It will be a great addition for our shop!" with that they went somewhere minding their own business.

"See, Ron?" Said Hermione with triumphant tone.

-Slytherin homeroom, morning-

Danny slept like dead, pun intended. It was a very exhausting day yesterday. So, he currently was lying on his comfy bed, while everyone else was preparing for the day. Some second year student was curious about an eyepatch Danny was sleeping with. And not only him. So, he was dared to take it off during Phantom's sleep. Ghosts didn't need to sleep, but then again, halfas are only half ghosts. Danny still slept, but his instincts did not.

When student stretched his hand to take an eyepatch, Danny suddenly grabbed it and his eye snapped open. Needless to say that student was mentally scarred for life. It was exaggeration, of course, but poor guy was still scared out of his mind. Phantom took some time to recognize his surroundings, remembering where he is now. Then Danny noticed that he was holding someone's hand.

"You tried to take it off, didn't you?" He deadpanned. The student nodded slowly, still terrified. Phantom sighed.

"Believe me, you don't want to see, what's under it," he said loudly, making sure everyone around heard him, and letting the boy go.

Finally getting up, Danny took on his black and white robes, then he left for breakfast. The Great Hall was already full of people, some of them were looking at him with curiosity. Phantom was confused.

"Hey, Cujo, why do you think they are looking at me?"

"Some first years told everyone, that you fought with a dragon," Danny turned around and saw two boys older than him. For that little time he was in Hogwarts, Phantom heard about infamous Weasley twins.

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