Chapter 9: Beginnings

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Bloody baron was searching for his fellow house ghosts. After some time he found Sir Nicholas floating in Astronomy Tower.

"Nicholas!" Baron called. If he was alive, he would be panting. The Griffindor ghost turned to his friend.

"Baron? Is something wrong?" He asked.

"Well, not wrong, but very important, do you know, where Lady and Friar are?"

"Why, yes I have seen them in the Great Hall, but what's going on?"

"I will tell when we find them"

Indeed, they were currently there.

"...It's strange, though, why Peeves is so quiet recently?" Asked Grey Lady.

"Maybe he finally stepped on the right path, as I was saying," Fat Friar answered.

"Friends!" Nicholas greeted, "Baron has something important to say"

"Oh, and that will be?" Asked Lady coldly. She has her reasons for disliking Slytherin ghost.

"It concerns this student, Daniel Work," that wasn't what they were expecting.

"And what about him?" Friar inquired.

"He touched me"


"I was wondering around the halls. Suddenly he just bumped into me!"

"And what was he doing so late?" Asked Nick, still shocked.

"Well, Daniel looked very exhausted...Wait...there was something in his hands...Golden cup...with badgers engraved on it!" He almost shouted in the end, realizing what this item was. Everyone around came to the same conclusion.

"Where did he get the Hufflepuff cup?" Asked Friar.

"I don't know, but do you think we should tell The Headmaster?"



Danny felt something wet touching him. Slightly opening his eye, he saw that Cujo was licking his face.

"Cujo, what are you doing?" Phantom asked sleepily.

"Master, you are going to be late!" The puppy barked.

"What?!" He immediately jumped from his bed, took the robes on and started to walk to breakfast.

"What were you doing last night?" Asked Cujo on their way. Danny lowered his voice, so only puppy could hear it.

"I found one horcrux"

"Really? Where was it?"

"I am the first one to break inside Gringotts. It definitely will be over the news after the show I made"

"Master, look"

A large sign had been affixed to the Slytherin noticeboard, so large it covered everything else on it--the lists of secondhand spellbooks for sale, the regular reminders of school rules from Argus Filch, the Quidditch team training timetable, the offers to barter certain Chocolate Frog Cards for others, the dates of the Hogsmeade weekends and the lost and found notices. The new sign was printed in large black letters and there was a highly official-looking seal at the bottom beside a neat and curly signature.


All student organisations, societies, teams, groups and clubs are

henceforth disbanded.

An organisation, society, team, group or club is hereby defined

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