Chapter 11: Hail to the king

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A.N. I wrote this chapter with sleepy mind, so I added some details now. Enjoy!

Danny's birthday went calm. It just so happened to be at the day of another DA meeting. As he planned, there were some Slytherin students there. Of course, most of them said, that they just don't want to fail their OWL's. But that's what this organization was created for - to train the students for the hardships ahead, let it be the Dark Lord or important exam. Phantom pointed one thing. If they all will pass with flying colors, than Ministry would think that their 'reforms' are successful, which is bad, but it still wasn't worthy enough to fail intentionally.

During last trip to Hogsmeade the twins bought a big cake and smuggled a lot of bottles with Butterbeer. It was very fun party, which took place in the Room of Requirements. Thankfully, it was soundproof, or the sound of crystal chandelier, falling on the ground and shattering would be heard all across the castle. Looking around at the moment, he noticed, how friendly people were to each other. Seriously, even Slytherins and Griffindors were chatting friendly. Looks like the Hat was right, he really is able to unite everyone.

Danny received some presents. The twins' present was a coupon for sixty percent discount in their future shop, which is active for the rest of his life, or afterlife, but they didn't know that. Hermione gave him a book, surprise, surprise. Harry and Ron just bought a bag of candies. But that was more than enough for halfa. Luna gifted Danny a necklace, made from Gurdyroots. As she said, it should repel Gulping Plimpy. Thankfully, he could put a spell to remove it's strong smell of onion. Clockwork sent a letter, saying that he will get his special present later.

Now, the day has come. Since he woke up, Danny had the feeling of doubt. Was he really making the right decision? He shook his head, of course it was right. It was time to bring the order to the anarchic place, named Ghost Zone. Then Phantom wondered about the other thing, how was he supposed to get there? 'Leave it to Dad,' he thought.

There was the delicious smell of baking pumpkin wafting through the corridors. The spirit of Holiday was everywhere, even in the classrooms. Well, besides DADA, but it was always like that. Danny was just reading the fresh issue of Quibbler. Again, junk, but interesting. He casually put his legs on the table. Umbridge only glared at him, but she kept reminding herself that it's for the Ministry. Everyone envied exchange student.


When the time of dinner has come, everyone came down to celebrate in the Great Hall. It was currently decorated according the celebration. A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds, making the candles in the pumpkins stutter. The one absent detail is some epic and slow music on the background.

The feast appeared suddenly on the golden plates, as it had at the start-of-term banquet. However, this time it was filled with full bowls of candies, since it's Halloween. Danny wasn't talking, just thinking and waiting for something big to happen.

"Hey, Danny," asked Daphne Greengrass. She was one of the members of DA, despite being in Parkinson's inner circle. Danny looked up.

"What?" He asked.

"You were quiet during the whole dinner, it's not like you"

"Sorry, I just found out something, and there is a lot to think about"

"What do you..."

Before she finished her question, the blue mist came out of Danny's mouth. Normally, nobody will pay attention to this, since everyone got used to it. But Phantom never got up immediately, rapidly looking around. He could sence not just ghosts or undead, he was able to understand, who exactly that was, if Danny sensed them before.

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