Chapter 13: Best day ever

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"I hate this job," moaned Danny and dropped his head on a desk.

"Master, what's wrong?" Asked Cujo, coming closer.

"So much paperwork!"

Indeed, turning the whole dimension into centralized state wasn't an easy task. Millennias of anarchy made some of the citizens felt maybe too free and opposed their new ruler, being the cause of Danny's headache. Establishment of govermental structures, infrastructure, the normal laws were a primary task.

Other Slytherins were delighted to see Danny finally working on something, but they were confused at WHAT he was working on.

"What exactly is this?" Asked Draco, appearing from behind.

"Oh, Draco, just the person I need. Look at this pictures," Danny took out two blueprints, "and tell me, which one looks better in your opinion," Malfoy raised an eyebrow.

"I can't decide with my palace design, previous owner was...a bit old fashioned," Phantom explained. After some thinking, Draco pointed at the one in the left hand. It was huge three story building, with glass roof in the middle.

"Really? Hm, yeah I like this one more," Danny said and wrote something on a piece of parchment. To everyone's surprise the papers set on green fire and dissappeared.

It's common fact, that most of the pure blooded Slytherins hate half breeds, but Work just so happened to be a king, rich and influential figure. Plus, everyone just feared to get on his bad side, they see what's going on with Umbridge. She already seems like a nervous wreck, even if she tries to keep smile on her face.

"I'm bored and I have a free period. I will go visit Jane," Danny declared and rose up from his seat.


Dolores was currently having some rest from her most hated student. It was during DADA lessons with other classes when she could relax. But she wasn't so lucky right now. The room started to crumble. And some objects floated in the air. Umbridge at first thought that it was some student, but they all looked confused as well.

"Behold, you puny mortals," they heard some voice, "Because now, you will face an unbelievable, the most horrible and terrifying thing you have ever seen. BEHOLD THE POWER OF THE BOX GHOST!"

Blue skinned bulky guy appeared from the thin air and everyone started to laugh.

"STOP LAUGHING!" He shouted and objects flew in the air. Box Ghost started to throw them there and there. The aim was lousy, but that was enough to make everyone scream in fear.

"HAHAHA! YOU ARE NOTHING AGAINST GREAT BOX GHOST!" He laughed and flew through the wall.

Suddenly Danny went opened the door and peaked inside.

"Has anyone seen floating overweight guy?" Students pointed at the wall.

"Thanks!" He shouted and closed the door, leaving absolutely white Dolores with her class.


December arrived, bringing with it more snow and a positive avalanche of homework for the fifth-years. Joy. It didn't matter for Danny, though, he was too busy with his newest duties of the king and the member of the Order. Hogwarts castle was filled with holiday decorations. That's why Phantom was wearing Christmas hat 24/7. But again, no one was surprised by that act.

Danny was keeping Harry a company most of the time. Ron and Hermione's prefect duties became more and more onerous as Christmas approached. They were called upon to supervise the decoration of the castle ('You try putting up tinsel when Peeves has got the other end and is trying to strangle you with it,' said Ron), to watch over first- and second-years spending their break-times inside because of the bitter cold ('And they're cheeky little snot-rags, you know, we definitely weren't that rude when we were in first year,' said Ron) and to patrol the corridors in shifts with Argus Filch, who suspected that the holiday spirit might show itself in an outbreak of wizard duels ('He's got dung for brains, that one,' said Ron furiously). They were so busy that Hermione had even stopped knitting elf hats and was fretting that she was down to her last three.

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