Chapter 3: Train

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Third person POV

Somewhere in Wiltshire was a huge building. It had cobblestone walls, and had a few towers with dark roof. That was a home of ancient and wealthy house of Malfoys. It was a late evening right now and owners of this place were sitting in the dining room and having dinner.

"How did your trip go?" Asked the head of the family. He had the same blond hair as his son, grey eyes and pale skin.

"It went as usual," Narcissa answered, "until we met one peculiar boy," Lucius raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm sure he will be all over the news soon. 'The Works' house has returned'," she said. The eldest Malfoy wasn't expecting that.

"Are...are you sure the boy is Work?"

"Yes, he had The Lord ring, and goblins confirmed what he said," Draco answered, "It's strange, though, Daniel mentioned his father, but HE is the Lord"

"His father must have passed the rights to him. The question is, why"

"He said that he is going to Hogwarts, even though he is fifteen"

"Hmm, Our Lord would be very interested. Have you talked to him?"

"Daniel mentioned, that Works disappeared, because they searched for some artifact. Why are they so famous, anyway?" Draco asked.

"Work is one of the most ancient houses in the world. It's members are known to be very powerful, one of them knew Merlin personally. Works are fabled to have an ability to control the time," Lucius answered,"I believe, you need to befriend this boy. He might be very useful for our cause"

-At the meantime-

Tucked away in northwestern London, a twenty minute walk from King's Cross Station, lies number twelve, Grimmauld Place. Both Unplottable and hidden behind a Fidelius Charm, the house is invisible to all but a few. Though the neighbouring Muggles don't even know the building exists, it was for many years home to the Black family — one of the wizarding world's oldest pureblood families, and extremely proud to be so.

Now it became the secret headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix, organization, created to stop Voldemort by all the means. There was another meeting planned this evening and members arrived one by one. Currently, they were all sitting in the kitchen.

It was below the ground floor and accessed through a narrow staircase at the end of the entry hallway. The kitchen was a cavernous room with a large fireplace at one end and a large wooden table in the centre with chairs on either side. There was also a large pantry for food and other items. The kitchen also contained several cabinets lining the walls and a window looking into another section of the house. The material of the floor is undefinable, but light in colour, maybe wood or a some type of marble.

"So, Umbridge?" Asked the man with shaggy black hair.

"Yes, Sirius, Ministry 'offers' me her candidature," said Dumbledore, "I'm not very thrilled about this fact. Her pureblood ideals is already something to be weary of"

"I have met her once," said Arthur Weasley, "she can't be allowed near children!"

"There is nothing we can do about it, sadly"

"And what about this Work lad?" Asked Alastor. He had one leg and one eye, he lost the others because of his former auror occupation.

"Oh, this is all over the news now," said Remus Lupin, showing Daily Prophet's front page. There was a photo of a young boy, standing near Gringotts central desk. Who made the picture is still a mystery.

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