Chapter 18: Fairy Tale

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"And they dare to speak about carma?!" Danny shouted. In the middle of the next Order meeting, "I proved Sirius' innocence and now I'm the one who is wanted!"

Ever since escape Danny lived in Grimmauld Place for quite a period, completely bored out of his mind. Why Clockwork said that he should stay here is still a question. But Phantom learned long ago that whatever his father does, he does it for the good of everyone. At least he doesn't need to hide the tail anymore.

"We know, that that isn't the most entertaining place, Danny," Dumbledore said, "But we need to be patient," Danny sighed.

"Yeah, yeah. So, how is everything going?"

"We wanted to ask you how capable of a fight your subjects are," Moody asked.

"First of all, they aren't 'my subjects'. But to answer your question, even weakest of us are immune to all the spells, and can shoot blasts from our hands. Not mentioning basics. There are some with unique abilities"

"Such as?" Sirius asked.

"I, for example, can obliterate the entire city block with single scream," everyone stared at him, "you DON'T want to hear it. Can we please change the topic?"

"Well, I can"

Everyone turned to the entrance and saw Death, of all people, standing in the doorway. Order members, who didn't know about him, took their wands out, but Danny lifted his hand and stopped them from shooting.

"You sure have a thing for appearances, buddy," Danny said. The man shrugged.

"I do. Let's get straight to the point, I have a lot of job to do. I know where the last Horcrux is," Danny smiled.

"I know you damn well, Death..."

"DEATH?!" everyone shouted, shocked. This certainly wasn't how they expected Death to look. He grinned.

"Sup. Alright, kiddo, you got me," Death summoned a chair for himself, along with glasses and fake beard, "Firstly, old man Death gonna tell you a fairy tale, which actually is damn real"

"Fairy tail?" Danny asked, confused. Other wizards, however, already suspected, what he is going to tell.

"Yeah, The Story of the Three Brothers it's called, which is really stupid name, if you ask me. I'm the main hero, well, antihero, there, after all," Death coughed and started the story.

"Three brothers, travelling along a lonely, winding road at twilight reached a deep treacherous river where anyone who attempted to swim or wade would drown. Hehe, nice idea was that one, I'm still proud of it.

I stopped them in the middle of the bridge they built, angry as hell. This guys were the first ones to cheat with me, long before you, kiddo. Back to the story, I smartly pretended to congratulate them and proceeded to award them with gifts of their own choosing.

The eldest brother, a hotheaded bloke, asked for a wand more powerful than any in existence. I granted his wish by fashioning the Elder Wand from a stick, lying on the banks of the river. Yep, I put some power in simple stick and even that was the strongest wand for the moment.

The second brother, stupid bastard he is, chose to further humiliate me, ME, and asked for the power to recall the deceased from the grave. I granted his wish by crafting the Resurrection Stone from a stone lying nearby.

The third and youngest brother, who was the most humble and wise, as it happens in every damn story, did not trust me and asked for something to enable him to go forth without me being able to follow. I, most unwillingly, handed over the piece of my Invisibility Cloak. THAT'S why I'm wearing a jacket now. NOW there wouldn't be any smartasses like him.

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