Day 7

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Day 7


"No, no please don't." I scream at him. "Stop. Please." He leans down at kisses my lips softly, causing me to relax a bit. He takes the opportunity to hold me tighter and kiss roughly. "Stop." He shakes his head.

"Sorry princess." My lips burn. He kisses them again, this time so hard I can't breath!

"Someone help me! Mark? Someone? Help me please!" I start to thrash around to loosen his grip slight. *THUMP* What?

"Ow, Allie. Get off you lug. Allie? Oh my God. Allie? Allie!" Mark? Where are you? "Allie wake up. Alls please wake up. For me." Tears stream down my face. I'm trying Mark, I am. "Please come back Allie. I love you, I need you. You're my best friend." The sobs start. I can't wake up. I'm in total darkness. "Alls?" I feel my body start to shake. My eyes snap open. I can see my room, my precious room, and Mark holding me in his arms.

"Mark!" I sob into his shoulder. "I was stuck in a nightmare. The worst one yet." He stroked my hair soothingly.

"It's okay. It's okay Allie. Calm down. Tell me what happened." He let go and patted the space in between his legs for me to sit on.

"It was dark, darker than the sky at midnight. Someone was" I gulped. "Someone was trying to rape me." He looked at me angrily, as if determining who to kill.

"Who was it?"

"I don't know. It was all blurry. I can't remember much really just his eyes. They were burning blue, as if to pierce my soul." Mark chuckled at my use of words but grew serious.

"Tell me who it was when you find out. I'll beat that dudes as* because that dream might come true." I nodded, too shocked to say anything. "Let's have some breakfast, that'll cheer you up." He began to fry eggs and bacon while I went after a colourful piece of paper.

"Dear Allie" It said. "You and Mark were sleeping so peacefully that I decided to let you sleep in. I'm at a job interview and won't be back until around four so you won't be able to make it to school today; you missed the bus. After you read this, just eat something and then go back to sleep. You guys deserve a break from school anyways, I remember how tiring and horrible it is. Love, Mom." Mark smiled at me.

"Yay. More sleep!"

"Ya, okay, yay, um can I eat now?"

"It won't be done for a couple of minutes."

"Boo." I stuck my tongue out at him. "You meanie."

"Better keep that tongue in your mouth unless you want it somewhere else." My best friend smirked and threw me a wink after I groaned in realisation.


Breakfast was delicious, and we finished in a few minutes. Mark wiped his face and took a chug from his glass of water. I squealed. "Ew Mark." He let some dribble down his chin probably just to annoy me further. "No, just no. Stop it."

"Why does it annoy you?"

"Erm ya der. It's disgusting. Keep your H-2-o in your M-O-U-T-H. K?" He laughed at me.

"K smart as*."

"I'm glad we agree. Now if you'll excuse moi, je suis tres (I am very) tired and want to go to bed."

"I'll come too. No reason to sit around here while you sleep for hours." So we walked back to our room and collapsed onto our assigned beds, falling asleep almost instantly.


I woke up crying again. I'd had the same nightmare, but even longer since I'd been woken up the time before. My bed squeaked quietly as I rolled over to the side of the bed closest to Mark. I called down to him. "Mark! Are you awake?"

"I am now, why?"

"It happened again."

"The same one?"

"The same one."

"I'm coming up. I don't want you to have to go through that again, it must be so painful." I tried to protest, but he pushed me over so I was forced to move. Mark slid onto the bed quickly before I could move back over again. "That wasn't so hard was it?" I shook my head. It wasn't. I relaxed and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. "Good night Allie."

"Good night Mark." He kissed my forehead and darkness consumed us both, sent us drifting into dreamless sleeps.

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