Guardian Angel (15)

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Zelda's eyes started to well up as goosebumps prickled her skin. She was slightly confused, but was more shocked than anyone else in the room. Link tried to hide his smirk, but it didn't quite work out. Most people's faces had the same expression. They looked like they'd been pranked.

It was then when Link realised a little something; he didn't really mind all of that attention. Zelda was staring with admiration and Link swore he felt something... More. He just couldn't quite put a finger on it. He felt if she wasn't in that room, he'd never be able to stay stable in that situation.

He started to wonder if he relied on her too much. It was weird, like she was his coping mechanism.

Even so, he was glad that out of all people, it was her.


When Link got home, his heart was still racing. He remembered the look on Zelda's face, the pride that she was expressing. He giggled to himself, running his hands through his hair. He knew how complicated things could be from then on, considering that people still didn't know about his... 'Condition'.

He immediately started on his English project. He was struggling at first, but managed to get a basic structure and topic. He could think about scripting and stuff later - right then he was just focusing whilst he could contain the mindset.

After a few hours, his mother came home. She wasn't really surprised to hear Link jamming out to his favourite album. How in Hyrule is he so introverted in public? She thought.

She took her jacket and shoes off, placing her bag around the banister at the bottom of the stairs. She tried to be quiet, as not to interrupt with what Link was doing. However, as she was looking into the kitchen, something caught her eye.

It was only natural for her to go and look, but she almost felt like she was getting herself too high hoped. So as she stared down the corridor, alternatives started to litter her mind.

Before she could even move though, Link was hopping down the stairs right behind her. It understandably made her jump, but it was rather pleasant of her.

"Hi, Link" She spoke, smiling at Link's seemingly lit up face.

"Okay, guess what?!" He was being loud and ecstatic. His mother just nodded, really not knowing what he was on about. "I spoke today, in school, to my entire English class!" With his tone and his expression, he was acting like an actual child.

"Y-you spoke?" She answered, not sure if she was dreaming or hearing things wrong.

"Yeah! It was really scary, but I didn't freeze. I haven't even had my meds today-"

"You haven't taken your meds?!" His mother cut him off, slight anger in her voice.

"Well, no. I set my my own doses any way, so I didn't think it would really matter..." His face dropped with his tone of voice.

"Its not a problem, but... Do you really feel okay enough to stop altogether?" She asked, concern littering behind her eyes.

"Right now... I feel okay with how everything is going" A little smirk appeared as he thought about his current standing.

"Okay then. Don't hesitate if you feel the need to take them again though"

"I won't"


"I promise"

She pulled him into an embrace, which Link happily accepted as he hugged back.


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