Starting to Realize (19)

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They continued to walk into the school, Link generally feeling less nervous, but his heartbeat was remaining the same. Not from nervousness per say, but from from the very thing that rested in his hand. He was almost choked for words, but not because of the reason that was normal to him.

There wasn't many people around school to see, as they were all outside or in the diner. Link was the only one that even cared at all about being seen like this, and he only cared because he didn't want to damage Zelda's reputation. He knew that she didn't care and he had tried his best to not be aware of it. However, he did care about anything that negatively affected her. As long as she was happy, there was nothing more he could've done.

It was pretty obvious where they were going - the library. Link could finally start planning his speech, and also see a few people, and how they would react. His thought process is that he would answer the register, and maybe say a few things if the teacher picked him and if he could. Baby steps were the key, and the support he had from Zelda was like someone making sure he didn't fall when taking those baby steps.

Once they sat down, they naturally disconnected hands, getting what they needed out of their bags. Link was immediately conscious of how sweaty his hand were, and that Zelda probably noticed.

For goddess sake. He thought to himself. I've never felt this before. I can't let my feelings towards Zelda ruin what we have. This is a great friendship, that I can't risk messing up. It would just be a burden to her if she found out. It would make her feel awkward, and dislike me, surely. It's not going to be hard not saying anything, but my subconscious actions make it obvious. Come on, Link, control it.

A rather heavy sigh made its way from Link's lips, showing clearly his frustration. He made sure that his heavy and pounding heartbeat wouldn't make his breathing any less steady.

Why does this feel so unnerving? Zelda began thinking to herself as the two carried on setting up. Damn, I can feel the heat from my own cheeks, I must be redder than a tomato. He hasn't noticed, has he? Why would I care anyway? Ah, I'm so conflicted! This isn't how you feel towards a normal friend! With anyone else, I'd dread spending this much time with them, but I could be with Link forever. I just want to be close to him and look into his eyes, be there when he's down and hug him until he gets back up. I'd do anything if he asked. Heck, I'd kiss him within a heartbeat without a second thought if that's what he wanted.

I... want to be his number 1.

After silently studying (and awkwardly glancing at each other from time to time), the two packed up and separated to go to seperate lessons. Before they parted ways, Zelda gripped her hands into fists as she spoke.

"Meet me in the diner after next?" She asked, using all strength she had to grit her teeth as she awaited an answer. Immediately, she felt the need to clarify it. "I want to eat lunch with you" she spoke quickly.

After they'd held hands, she found herself wanting to feel that again, which was interfering with how she interacted with the other.

"O-okay. See you then" A soft smile fell onto his face as he turned around and started walking away from Zelda. She saw then that his hands were gripped also.

Just as Zelda had asked, Link headed to the diner as soon as he got out of his lesson. He actually almost ran, wanting to get away from the others as soon as possible. He answered the register again after a few minutes of debating whether he was going to do it or not. People still reacted, but the information had spread so it wasn't a huge shock to anyone. No one had tried to stop or question him, so maybe people didn't care as much as he thought they did.

Zelda walked in about a minute later, picking up her pace as soon as she saw Link sat on his own. Just then, a sudden thought stuck her which was completely unlike anything she'd thought before.

So... Do I sit next to him, or opposite to him? Her brain ran, making the decision seems like it was life or death. Eventually, she just sucked it up and took a seat next to him. It was closest to her after all, so it would make less sense for her to walk the whole way around the table just to sit opposite to him. That was going to be her excuse if she was questioned, but of course she wouldn't have needed an excuse anyway.

"How did that lesson go?" She asked, trying her very best not to sound too intrusive.

"It actually went okay. I answered my name again, and people seemed to not really care" He replied with quite an ecstatic tone, speaking generally a bit louder than he did before. Even if it was just a little bit, his confidence was indeed growing.

A sincere smile appeared on Zelda's face. What he was saying wasn't really going into her head all that much, she was mostly just appreciating his happiness and how he was acting within that moment. It was like she couldn't see anyone other than him, like her world had centred down on him and him alone.

My final GCSE exams start on Monday, so I might post early or late depending on how everything goes. I do know one thing though, from June until late July I have no school or anything to prepare for, so then should really be the time to look forward to with this story, and others to come in the future.

Bit of a long author's note but I just thought I should let you guys know :)

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