Mute (30 - Finalé)

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"Wait just a second" Link stepped back, completely and utterly and shocked. What did he expect? He honestly didn't know, but this was not really it. This was the best case scenario, he just wasn't prepared for it.

"Well what did you think I'd say?" She chuckled slightly, heart beating faster than it ever had before.

"I- I don't know. I tried not to think about it" Link replied, running through the past few exchanges in grave detail in his head. It was now that he did wish that he'd at least thought of something to say in this situation. "What does that mean then? You were hoping for this-"

"It means that I have a crush on you too, and that I'm glad you return the feelings" Zelda happily spoke, a tear almost welling up in her eyes because of how weirdly ecstatic Link was being. "I didn't really want to say just incase you felt pressured or uncomfortable, but considering you said it first, there's no point in hiding my feelings now"

Link laughed aloud, placing a hand over his heart in pure relief. He didn't know what to say next, nor did he know what was expected from him. But he knew one thing for sure, that this was the best day of his life. Well, so far.

Zelda walked forward and slipped her fingers into his own, starting to pull him towards the living room.

"We still can't just skip studying" Zelda had insisted, thinking that it was probably best to continue on with the things they normally did, as things would feel much more awkward if they did otherwise.

However, after half an hour, she got slightly frustrated while studying physics, just wanting to sit back and relax. Her shoulder brushed against Link's as she fell back, letting her back hit the couch. Link noticed her distress.

"Don't complain, you're the one who insisted on doing this" Link chuckled, getting along fine with his own physics problems.

His problems were slightly easier due to the things their different classes were studying.

Zelda hated to admit defeat, but Link was right in this case.

"I know, but that doesn't make it any less agonizing" She picked up her pen again, scribbling a not so neat line through an equation she had wrongly written. "Can't we just ditch this for now and watch a movie?" She begged, tugging at Links shirt sleeve.

"Hey, I'm not going to stop you" He shrugged, placing his notepad on the table.

They had both pulled a blanket over them as they dimmed the lights and selected a film to watch.

About halfway through the film, Zelda was snuggled into Link's shoulder with his arm around her. He was stroking little circles into her arm as there was a certain warmth in his chest that made him feel like he could've honestly started sobbing at any moment with how content he felt in that moment in time.

"Link..." Zelda had sat up slightly, saying his name in a questionable tone.

He raised his eyebrows in response, Zelda's barely lit face quite close to his own, sending a hue of red to his neck.

"I'm glad I met you" She almost whispered, chuckling towards the end, as if it was slightly embarrassing to say it straightforward like that.

"I don't mean to sound too full on... But you're honestly the best thing that has ever happened to me" He replied, seeing her huge grin as she closed her eyes.

The two sat and looked at the other, just taking in the sight of who was with them, in front of them.

Zelda slowly moved closer, placing a hand delicately on Link's cheek as she quickly scanned her eyes down to his lips and back up again, making her intentions crystal clear.

Link let his eyes fall shut, letting everything happen as he just sat in bliss, purely taken aback by everything that had happened that day.

Lightly, their lips brushed against eachother, sending a shot of tingles up both of their spines.

After a few seconds, they pulled away, with big dumb smiles on their faces as they turned back to continue watching the movie that they had almost forgotten about.

Things weren't necessarily going to be easy from there on out, but they at least knew that no matter what the situation, they would be there for the other.

Link still had a long way to go until he had reached recovery, but progress was being made at a steady rate. Now he had Zelda by his side to help him and support him, the two started their real journey.


And so, I bring an end to this Link and Zelda's story. Honestly I would love to continue writing for this but I feel as though I could easily over do it to a point where all structure is lost and I just become attached to this book to a point where I ruin it. I am content with an ending like this, so this is how I shall wrap it up. For some reason I'm terrified of posting this part haha.

I might do a college epilogue or something like that in the future, but for now at least, Mute is complete.

Through the year and a half (wow) of writing this so many things have happened relating to it which baffle me beyond actual comprehension.

People have told me stories on how this story has inspired them, motivated them, or even helped them to escape their own reality. On another side of that, people have also thanked me for bringing this kind of issue into light and basing a whole story plot around it, which is completely insane to think about.

I've even heard that two people in class met and became friends literally because I updated this and they both started reading it at the same time while sat next to each other.

I've said thank you many times to a point where it may seem not genuine, but seriously, thank you so much for all of your kind words, support and even just for checking this out.

This book was a way to tell certain aspects of my own story and my own experiences through characters and a game series that I love dearer than anything.

If this managed to be your escape at any point in time, then my quota as writer has been fulfilled.

I'll be posting the Miraculous AU in a few weeks, so if you want to keep up with that or Pendant then make sure you're following me.

Thank you for being my escape.


Mute - Zelink Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now