On Edge (21)

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If this is the same amount of special to her as it is to me... Then she feels the same way? Would she have told her mother that?

Link thought at 3 o'clock the next morning. Things seemed to add up, with Zelda's actions and the things she was saying the day before. He'd just naturally assumed that this was how she is, but seeing the shocked reactions from people and her own mother almost proved otherwise. Almost.

There would always be a speck of doubt in Link's mind around things like this, as his brain constantly looked for things to keep him slightly on his toes. If he ever felt comfortable, he wouldn't be ready for anything coming his way.

In any case, if he was wrong, he made sure that he wouldn't be disappointed by never really believing things 100% unless he had definitive proof. Would he believe it if Zelda confessed to him? Of course he would. But as of this moment, he felt he didn't have much to base these accusations off of.

The next morning, Zelda awoke, immediately ready to face the day ahead. Well, not really. She had decided over the past couple of weeks that she really couldn't be bothered having to make an effort to keep an act around the people she called friends. She was practically gritting her teeth whenever she was around them, as something they said would always grind her gears.

It wasn't worth it. Besides, in only a short amount of time, she'd experienced friendship that was already much easier, and that felt much more natural. She had all she needed, without having to try so much that it actually felt forced. Everyone has their space where they can feel relaxed and genuinely not care in the slightest about what anyone else is going to think. For her, that was with Link. She felt free.

Refreshed she felt as she chipperly ate breakfast while swinging her legs like a child.

"You seem odly excited for school" Her mother commented, smirking to herself as she could tell exactly why. She wondered to herself how long it would take Zelda to sus things out for herself.

"I am actually. Well, as much as I possibly can be for school" Zelda stood up as soon as she finished breakfast, rushing to the door to get her coat.

"Coming in with me again?" Echoes from behind her, her mother following in her footsteps to grab her own coat also.

"Yep! I'm going to start going to school earlier to meet with Link before classes" Awkwardly, she was shuffling around and clearly restless, like she'd had more than one cup of coffee.

Nodding, her mother replied.

"That's kind of you. The speaking project is due next week, isn't it?" Unlocking the door, she led Zelda outside, locking the door behind her.

"It is, yeah. Monday, as well" Zelda sighed, hopping into the passenger seat of the car, huffing to see her own breath.

"That is quite unfortunate. At least once it's over, it's over, and you don't have to worry about anything like that" Turning the keys in the car a couple of times for it to start, they set off to school, Zelda's heart jumping in time to the music on the radio.

"I'm heading off!" Link shouted up to his parents, just letting them know that he was leaving.

He stepped foot outside the door, wrapping up in a scarf and putting his gloves on. It was noticeably colder today than it were any recent previous ones. Although it annoyed him that the scarf lifted his hair up at the back, it was better than exposing his neck and having it be cold.

Picking up his pace, he was careful not to slip on some of the black ice that was plastered onto the ground. It almost looked like he was playing hopscotch. However, he did end up unscathed.

The bare trees weren't even swaying in the cold wind, they innocently stood still, frozen to the ground. Link didn't have time to stop and glare though.

Once he'd finally made it to school, he could feel his ears stinging the second he came into contact with the warmth. He took the scarf and coat off as he made his way to the library. He hung his things up before turning around, he'd really tried not to get his hopes up or expect Zelda to be there, but he still couldn't help but want it.

Of course she was there. The second he took a breath and turned around, he was almost relieved to see her big green eyes focused on a book. Well, she looked quite twitchy actually, responding nervously to any slight sound around her. It was strange.

"Hey" Link approached slowly, trying his hardest not to startle her, as it seemed like this what he'd do if he wasn't careful. Despite his best efforts, he still managed to get a little jump out of her.

"Link! Hi!" She softly spoke, nervously giggling in the middle of it. She visibly swallowed hard and turned around in one sharp motion. Her eyes couldn't keep still, it was clear she was nervous about something.

"Are... You okay?" Slowly, he asked, sitting down next to her. He looked so calm and cool, when Zelda knew that isn't how he felt at all. It had never really occurred how great an actor he was.

"I guess I'm a little on edge. Not particularly sure why though" She tried to relax her shoulders and steady her shaking hands.

Link took notice immediately and, knowing the feeling all too well, made it his mission to make her feel more at ease.

His face suddenly changed as he scooted closer. He placed one of his hands on hers, and gave her a warm smile as he placed his other arm around her, resting it on her shoulder. It was potentially risky, but if there was anything that helped him in a situation like this, it was support. He was hoping it would be the same for her.

Hey guys! I recently started a Zelda themed Instagram so if you want, you can follow it to keep updated with when I'll be updating, and just general talk about Zelda stuff, edits I've made, and so I can interact more with you guys.

It's @legendofzelle if you want to follow, totally cool if not though.

Hope you enjoyed this update! The next one is pretty interesting to say the least.

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