Chapter 18

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She stands on a grassy plain, the wind playing with her hair, long airy dress billowing gently, like curtains in the breeze.

She stands under a midnight sky flecked with stars. The moon shines full now, not a wisp of grey to hide her beauty tonight.

She stands straight, arms resting by her sides, grass tickling her bare feet. Her face looks up, up where the moon shines full in the midnight sky, floating over the grassy plain, over her.

Wheein smiled softly as, finally, she put her paintbrush down and stepped back from the canvas, looking at her finished artwork.

It was almost 2 in the morning, and Wheein had worked on her masterpiece for 3 hours straight. Although it was late, Wheein didn't feel tired at all -- a sudden burst of energy late at night had inspired the beautiful brainchild now lying on the table in front of her.

As Wheein focused on the single woman standing under the moonlight in the painting, her smile widened. Moonbyul.

She had painted the Byulie of her imaginations: an angelic woman standing under a beam of moonlight, the stars forming a wide halo above her silver head. Wheein knew that this scene would only exist in her wildest dreams, so now she drew it out in blues, greens, yellows, and white -- a simplistic but brilliant beauty.

She stared at her creation a little longer, thinking of the sweet memories she shared with Byulie unnie. She had poured all of her feelings into the painting, and now she could see every memory in it, impressed in every brush stroke.

As the moon started to fade in the slowly-brightening sky and Wheein finally laid down on her bed, a sudden idea came into her head that filled her with excitement.

Why don't I give this to Byulie unnie? It'll be a way of expressing my feelings to her...

But of course, as with all people who stay up all night, Wheein was hit by a wave of exhaustion that her excitement could not combat, as her head touched the soft white folds of her pillow. Maybe I'll give it to her tonight... zzz....

Weirdly, it was a cold knot of uneasiness in her stomach that Wheein awakened to -- instead of feeling refreshed, Wheein felt all tensed up, and though she wasn't tired anymore, her powerful sixth sense told her it was probably better to go back to bed. But why?  Wheein asked herself, trying to shake off her nervousness.

Wheein had been asleep for quite a while -- the room was awash with the dazzling yellow sunlight that represented a nice summer afternoon, dust motes dancing around the room under beams of light that rested on various points of her room comfortably. Outside, under a pastel blue sky, the buzz of people bustling about told her that it was lunch hour. Through the bright room's open window, Wheein could hear a song playing in the distance, probably from a shop in the nearby streets that wanted to attract customers. Her music-loving ears recognized the familiar tune immediately -- Byulie unnie's rap part in "Yes I Am". 

Byulie unnie!

The music, instead of calming Wheein down like it normally did, only heightened the tension now squirming about throughout her body like a nasty worm. Wheein now wondered if the uneasiness was because of Byulie unnie -- she was the only person Wheein could feel so uneasy for on such a beautiful afternoon as this. 

Now Wheein's eyes spotted an especially bright shaft of sunlight. As her eyes followed the light to what it shone on in her room, her eyes widened in remembrance. The only object to remind her of the cool nighttime when the moon and the stars watched over her like caring protectors -- her painting of Byulie unnie. The painting she wished to give to Byulie unnie, in the hopes that she would understand Wheein's feelings for her.

Don't go! Not today, Whee! It's 2 pm already, unnie won't have time to see you today!

Please don't go, Wheein! She won't accept your present, and then you'll feel so bad!

Wheein, keep your painting. Such a cherished painting should be kept to yourself...

Wheein didn't understand why she felt so uneasy now. What was the matter with her? Usually she wouldn't shy away from expressing her feelings to Byulie unnie, so why now? Something wasn't right.

Still, Wheein spent a long time battling with her emotions and thoughts before she finally stepped out of her room, painting in trembling hand -- it was nearing 7 pm already and she felt frustrated at having wasted a day like that. Still, meeting Byulie unnie tonight would cheer her up. It has to.

Byulie unnie agreed to meet Wheein at 9 pm, saying that she was occupied before then -- she had to go see someone else. Although she was 2 hours early, Wheein wanted to see who Byulie unnie was meeting up with. The uneasiness now crept into her throat, but still, Wheein wanted to see whomever was meeting unnie in the romantic evening.

By the time Wheein got home that night, she wondered if that choice of hers was a good one.


tis the author again :) 

it's been sooooooooooo long since i wrote and im sorry for making yall wait BUT YALL WILL HAVE TO WAIT LONGER TO KNOW WHAT MOONSTAR SAYS har har i guess i just wanted to put a wheein chapter in before the big reveal :))))

also im rushing my homework sooo badly and so my next update will probably be next week, if im not busy then -- the deadline for my essay is this friday so i'll have the weekend to write (FINALLY)

also did yall spot the decalcomanie lyric reference :)

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