Chapter 24 ~ Stars Are Blind

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Episode: Season 5 - Fallen Idols

New cases didn't cut the tension, new cases didn't make it any less awkward. Sam and Dean talked but it wasn't the same and currently, Dean and I weren't even on speaking terms. Every morning, I got up, got dressed and ate breakfast all before Dean even got out of bed. Maybe it was better that way. No, it was better that way. At least that's what I kept telling myself...

Sam tried to cheer me up but nothing really helped. My heart still ached just to glance over at Dean. A quiet sigh escaped my mouth as I pressed my forehead to the smudged glass of the back window as the Impala sped down the road to a new location. This had to get better... We were headed back to the museum we'd visited earlier. Turns out, the owner had been collecting authentic memorabilia of historical figures and not surprisingly, had made something supernatural appear by doing so.

This time though, it was a god not a ghost. And now it was up to us three to get rid of her. When we arrived and went inside, we headed towards the back of the museum to a renovation room that Sam had found. There'd been a girl taken hostage by the god. She had to be held somewhere so we figured it was the best place to search. We stepped into the small room and I arched an eyebrow. It looked just like a forest in here - fake trees and plants lined the walls while moss and lichen covered the floor.

Suddenly, Sam called out to us, "Hey!"

Dean and I turned to look at saw him walking over to a girl strung up by a tree. He'd found her.

"She alive?" Dean asked gruffly and Sam nodded to him.

"Yeah, barely," he confirmed.

But he'd barely gotten the words out of his mouth when the ax Dean held was ripped from his hands by an invisible force. It sailed through the air before embedding itself in a tree trunk. We all spun to look and I cringed when I saw the familiar face - obviously the form the god had decided to take on. Well...unless Paris Hilton decided to go evil, that is. She heaved back a fist then and punched Dean square in the jaw repeatedly. Coming to his aid, I swung for her but she dodged it, instead painfully twisting my arm behind my back and shoving me to the ground.

She flipped her shiny blonde hair over her shoulders as Sam came bounding over, throwing a punch at her just as Dean fell next to me. But she just shoved Sam backwards, making him fly right into a wall and landing on the ground in a crumpled heap.

"Awesome." she beamed, looking down at me and Dean before suddenly, everything went dark.

Dean and I woke up a few minutes later. At least I guess it had been a few minutes. Honestly, being knocked unconscious kind of messes with your head so I don't know how long I'd been out. But when I came to, Paris was sharpening knives whilst sitting on a tree stump. I tried to lunge at her but she just laughed when I was restrained from doing so. Glancing down, I realized rope had been wrapped around me, keeping me here.

A groan emitted from my mouth just as the boys came around.

"Oh, I'm so glad you're awake for this. This is gonna be huge," she smirked and I rolled my eyes at the sickening way she talked.

"Super. I wouldn't wanna miss it," Dean quipped and I noticed him subtly trying to wriggle free of the ropes binding his hands.

"I mean, I've been stuffing myself with fast food lately. So it's nice to do the ritual right. Prepare a nice slow meal for a change," she explained to us.

"Just like the good old days, huh?" Sam piped up and she smiled at him.

"You have no idea. People adored me. They used to throw themselves at me with smiles on their faces," she reminisced.

"I guess these days nobody cares about some backwoods forest god, huh?" Dean asked, trying to keep her talking.

"No, not since they cut down my forest and built a Yugo plant,"

"The march of progress, sister,"

"For years now, I've been wandering. Hungry. Scared. Scrounging for scraps. But then, the best thing ever happened," she smiled, setting her knife down beside her, "Someone tripped the Apocalypse, and I thought: Why not? I'm tired of watching what I eat. I wanna pig out. So I found this little place. It's awesome. Adoring fans stroll right in the door,"

"Yeah, but they're not your fans. You couldn't even keep Nicole Richie as a friend so honey, I don't think you'll be able to keep fans either," I shot back and she turned her eyes to me.

"So?" she arched an eyebrow, "They worship Lincoln, Gandhi, Hilton. Whatever. I'll take what I can get,"

"You know, I gotta tell you, you are not the first god we've met. But you are the nuttiest," Dean smirked, shaking his head.

"No, you. You people. You're the crazy ones. You used to worship gods. But this?" she asked rhetorically, gesturing to the meat-suit she wore, "This is what passes for idolatry Celebrities? What have they got besides small dogs and spray tans? You people used to have old-time religion. Now you have Us Weekly,"

I shrugged, "I don't know. I'm more of a Star Wars Insider girl myself,"

She shot me a withering look to which I just shrugged again.

"Maybe. But there's still a lot of yummy meat on these bones, girl," she sneered at me, walking over to Dean.

"Well, I hate to break it to you, sister, but you can't eat me. See, I'm not a Paris Hilton BFF. I've never even seen House of Wax," Dean informed her and she rolled her eyes in response.

"No. But I can totally read your mind, Dean. I know who your hero is. Your daddy. Am I right?" she smirked before turning around to grab the ax still embedded in the tree, "And this belonged to him. Didn't it? Poor little Dean. All you ever wanted was to be loved by your idol. One distant father figure, coming right up,"

Suddenly, Dean got free and ran straight for her. He slammed her to the floor and she groaned, wrestling with him as Sam and I struggled to break free to help him. She threw a punch at him then, shoving him backwards to where he was now the one on the ground. She climbed on top of him, throwing punch after punch at his face. I bit my lip, struggling with my ropes until finally, mine along with Sam's pulled free. Running straight for the two of them, I knocked her off Dean while Sam snatched up the ax and chopped into Paris' neck. She whimpered just as the blade came down, slicing into her skin.

Blood gurgled up from her mouth as her eyes rolled back in her head and she became lifeless on the ground. Sam looked down at Dean, blood spatters covering the side of his face and he grinned.

He opened his mouth to speak but Dean held up a finger, "Not a word!"

"Dude. You just got whaled on by Paris Hilton," he laughed and Dean shot him a glare.

"Shut up." he muttered and I couldn't help the giggle that bubbled up from my lips as Sam helped me off the ground.

As we headed back to the Impala, I skipped to the car, feeling slightly rejuvenated from the fight. Dried blood coated my hair from the fight but I barely noticed it as a breeze blew into my face, blowing the short strands back over my shoulders.

"Even though the gods are crazy, even though the stars are blind, if you show me real love baby, I'll show you mine," I sang out suddenly as I climbed into the backseat.

Sam and Dean both groaned as they got in up front and Sam turned to his brother.

"You know, she's gonna do this the whole way back, don't you?"

Dean sighed, nodding as I kept singing.

"I can make you nice and naughty, be the devil and angel, too," I continued, almost snickering at the irony of the lyrics, "Got a heart and soul and body, let's see what this love can do, maybe I'm perfect for you!"

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