Chapter 4 ~ Songs & Nicknames

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Episode: Season 4 - Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester Pt. 1

From upstairs in one of Bobby's junk rooms, I could hear Sam and Dean arguing downstairs. I sighed as I paced around the room. Sam believed Castiel was an angel while Dean of course, did not. They'd been fighting over this all morning much to myself and Bobby's chagrin. So I had decided to hide out up here until the two brothers worked out their issues. But they definitely weren't quiet with their arguments.

Then again, they never had been as kids so what would be different now that they were older? Sighing again, I walked over to the stereo on the nightstand and pushed the 'power' button. I grinned as Gerard Way began to sing.

"They're gonna clean up your looks, with all the lies in the books, to make a citizen out of you," the song began, "Because they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you, son, so they can watch all the things you do,"

I grinned, head banging to the music as I began to air-guitar to the song, almost laughing at the irony of the song.

"Because the drugs never work, they're gonna give you a smirk, 'cause they got methods of keepin' you clean,"

I lifted up a fist into the air, singing along loudly, "They gonna rip up your heads, your aspirations to shreds, another cog in the murder machine!"

I turned the dial to a louder setting as the chorus came on and another voice joined in.

"They said all teenagers scare the living mess out of me! They could care less as long as someone'll bleed!" Sam sang out and I laughed as he stepped into the room.

"So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose, maybe they'll leave you alone but not me!" I finished out, pointing to myself at the end just as Sam turned off the song.

I pouted at him, "Aw, I liked that song!"

Sam shook his head, smiling, "I know, Parks. I remember your little MCR phase in high school,"

I shrugged, grinning up at him, "I was a proud emo kid in those days,"

"I was gonna tell you I'm leaving to go get pie for Dean. Wanna come?" he asked.

"No, thanks. I think I'll just...stay here for a while," I shook my head and Sam tilted his head to the side, arching his eyebrow.

"Is there something going on I should know about?"

I paled slightly and shifted from foot-to-foot.

"Um, no, why do you ask?"

"Because you're fidgeting. You only do that when you're nervous, Parker,"

I sighed, rolling my eyes, "Must you notice everything, Winchester?"

Sam barked out a laugh, strands of shaggy brown hair falling in his face, "I'm your best friend, it's kind of in the description,"

I hummed in response before he pulled me in for a hug. Sam was so tall, I only came up to his chin to which he placed on my hair. I chuckled as I broke away from him seconds later.

"Bye, Jolly Green Giant," I chirped and this time, he rolled his eyes.

"Bye, Fun-Size."

By the time Sam had returned, Bobby, Dean, and I had decided to check on one of Bobby's hunter friends. The three of us drove to her house but it was too late. She was dead already. All the other hunters in the area we'd found dead, too - their bodies ripped apart in the same fashion Bobby's friend had been. Sam even got attacked by some kind of spirit whom he claimed was Henricksen, one of the people who had died after getting mixed up in the Lilith business. But when we drove back to Bobby's house to inform him, he was nowhere to be found.

Where in the world was he?! We split up to find him. I took the upstairs while the boys took the downstairs. I made my way down the hallway, the gun I held in my hand filled with rock salt. If it really was spirits after that had taken Bobby then we had a lot to worry about. Suddenly, I could hear a commotion downstairs.

Drat, I hoped nothing was wrong. I turned to go when a voice suddenly stopped me. A voice that I had forgotten to remember. A voice that as a child, I thought I'd never forget. And as I turned to face the owner of the voice, my heart caught in my throat and I looked upon a face I hadn't seen since I was 3 years old.


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