Chapter 40 ~ Dean Sparkles Now

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Episode: Season 6 - Live Free or Twi-Hard 

A new vampire case had sprung up in Limestone, Illinois. Which is why I was now wearing a short, red mini-dress with heels as I danced in the Black Rose club. Sam was scoping out the place for vamps while Dean had checked in the alley out back. I probably should have been helping too but I had too many drinks in my system by now for that. I'd been drinking pretty heavily, I guess, since Dean dropped the Lisa bombshell two weeks ago. We'd barely talked since but when we did, it was only to argue. But I was so drunk now because of the conversation I'd overheard.

~ 2 Hours Earlier ~

I walked out of the diner, leaving Sam to buy his own food. In my was a hot-dog, chili oozing out of the red-and-white checkered carton with mustard smeared all over the top. I looked down at it lovingly, about to take a bite when the sound of Dean's voice stopped me dead in my tracks. He was leaned up against the Impala, talking on his cellphone.

"So, uh, I'm actually not far. I'm about a night's drive," he was saying into the speaker and I stopped to listen, "Well, there's some stuff I got to do here first. But I was thinking that, uh, I'll wrap up here and, you know, make sure I'm not followed. I'll have to take side streets, and I'd have to come at night-"

My blood boiled in anger and I threw my hot-dog down onto the ground, chili splattering all over the sidewalk. Marching over to him, I ripped the phone from his hands and heaved it across the road where it broke into fragments.

Dean gaped at me, "What was that for?!"

"Who were you talking to, Dean?!" I hissed, eyes hardening.

He bit his lip and I scoffed, nodding.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Don't forget who you're in a relationship with, D. Unless that's the plan, that is," I bit out sarcastically before spinning on my heel.

Why even wait for his reply? It's not like it would mean much anyway. I already knew it was Lisa on the end of that line.

~ End of Flashback ~

Oddly enough, it didn't concern Sam as much as it used to. Maybe he'd just gotten used to our fighting by now. I bobbed my head to the beat, hair flying in my face as I danced, oblivious to everything and everyone around me. A couple of minutes passed before I finally looked up and noticed that Sam was gone from the bar. I frowned. He was just sitting there a minute ago. Pushing my way through the throng of moving bodies, I made my way outside. Up ahead, I could just hear the sounds of scuffle and a groan.

"Dean..." I breathed, breaking into a run.

My heels click-clacked on the cement, splashing in puddles as I went. But when I rounded the corner, I saw Sam just standing there. Flicking my eyes to what he was looking at, I gasped, putting a hand to my mouth. Pushed up against a dumpster was an injured Dean with a vamp smearing blood across his mouth. And Sam was just standing there, unmoving. But when he noticed me beside him, immediately he pulled a knife from his inside jacket pocket and charged towards the vamp.

Sam slashed at the vamp but he dodged it and ran off down the alley. Quickly as I could, I ran over and knelt by Dean. I frowned as I gazed down at my boyfriend. Blood covered his lips and the area around his mouth, his green eyes droopy.

"Parksy..." he said quietly and I nodded to him.

"It's okay, Dean, I'm here. Me and Sammy are here." I assured him as Sam helped me get him back to the hotel room.

He started to freak out though once we got back to the room. It all was just too much for him - the noise of the sirens passing by and the bright fluorescent lights overhead. I remembered it all too well. It had been three years since I had turned but the memories of it all never left me - super-hearing, super-strength, sensitivity to light and oh, yeah, my favorite, blood-lust. It was horrible. In fact, if it wasn't for Philippe, I don't think I could have gotten through it.

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