I wish it was still sUMMER

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School has only been going for like three weeks and I'm already dONE

aNYWAY OliviaJWrites here's my entry for your summer contest!

I had a v cool idea when I started this, and I have to admit it all looked real nice before I added the bAckGROUND

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I had a v cool idea when I started this, and I have to admit it all looked real nice before I added the bAckGROUND

O H   I   A L M O S T  F O R G O T

None of these characters look familiar to y'all, do they? Well, that's bc the only one I've actually introduced to you guys is Quill (who's chillin on the lifeguard chair thingy), and I really don't feel like introducing the other two anytime soon, so y'all will have to live in curiosity until then ;))))))))))))

hhhhhhhhhh it's so late here I'm going to go slEEp for two days bye

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