The day we met

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Today im moving out im going to live with my brother in Maryland his name is alex he is 21 and im 18 i packed up and we  went to airport me and my mom said are goodbyes
*skip flight*
I got off the plane i saw my brother
i jumped up and hugged him
R: i missed you so much
A: i missed you more
We went to his house and it was huge i decided to take a walk as i was walking i accidentally bumped into someone
R: oh my gosh im so sorry
L: its alright
He was so handsome
L: im Lucas
R: im Rose
L: you look lost
R: i am
L: do you want a tour
R: that would be great
We got smoothies we spent the whole day out
L: can i have your number
R: of course
I gave him my number and he left i walked upstairs and i grabbed some pjs but i couldn't go to sleep i kept thinking of Lucas then I heard my phone binged i looked at my phone it was an unknown number
I read it
???: hi it's Lucas are you up
Rose:  yea
Lucas: you wanna hang out tomorrow
Rose: sure where
Lucas: my house
Rose: i don't know where you live
Lucas: I'll pick u up at the park
Rose: okay see you later
I went to sleep and woke up to...
          Authors note
Another book yay dont forget to vote and comment hope you have a good day/night peace

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