Telling the family the baby's gender!🎉

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I woke up i ran to the shower i was very excited because i got to tell Lucas and his family the genders of the babys i put this on 👇

I got out of the bathroom and Lucas was still sleeping that was perfect because he doesn't know i know the babys genders i went downstairs and grabbed the car keys and got in the car and drove to the balloon store i went in the store up to the des...

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I got out of the bathroom and Lucas was still sleeping that was perfect because he doesn't know i know the babys genders i went downstairs and grabbed the car keys and got in the car and drove to the balloon store i went in the store up to the desk
R: umm hello
Balloon clerk: yes ma'am
R: im here to pick up the two balloons
Bc: your name please
R: its under Rose Dobre
Bc: ah yes there u are
The clerk went back and got the balloons i payed for them and went to get Lucas breakfast and went home i snuck upstairs with the balloons and put them in the closet i went and jumped on Lucas
L: mmmmnn
R: Babyboy i know your up
He rolled over a little
R: Babyboy
I kissed his cheek
R: do you want one on the lips
He shook his head yes
R: you got to get up
He sat up he looked like he wasn't feeling good i kissed him softly he ate his breakfast i made him get ready by time he was ready his family was already here we went outside amd we ate lunch i went and got the balloons everyone looked confused
D: what are those for
C: Lucas do you know what this is
L: no
M: are we having a party
B: oooo i like partys
A: stop asking so many questions
R: these balloons are gonna be the answer to what the babys genders are
L: how does this work
R: so we are gonna pop the ballons over Lucas head and then he will look at the dust
D: i wanna pop one
M: but i wanna pop one
R: i pop one
C: what about me
R: you three will pop one at the same time we are gonna pop them at the same time Lucas
Lucas was standing in his position and we had a plan i pop mine first then the boys i pop mine
then the boys pop their balloons
L: what blue dust
R: we are having a boy and a girl
L: you guys tricked me
R: what do you think about have a boy and girl
L: i...

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