Lazy day

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I woke up and saw my baby sleeping peacefully i moved a couple pieces of hair out of his face and kissed his forehead i got up and took a shower by time i got out Lucas was still sleeping peacefully i let him sleep because he was exhausted from his nightmares he didn't have one lastnight but he didn't sleep the day before my babyboy was tired i went downstairs and started to watch a movie when i heard Lucas scream
He came down the stairs i could tell he was still exhausted he came and gave me a kiss
L: can we cuddle
R: Lucas you know you don't have to ask
I opened my arms and he crawled in my arms i rubbed his back he fell asleep i continued watching the movie i finshed watching the movie and i ran upstairs and grabbed his blanket and put it over him i grabbed my phone and ordered him Chinese i waited for it to come it finally came i put his food on a plate
I went over to Lucas and kissed his face all over he woke up
R: baby foods here
L: it smell like Chinese
R: yup you guessed it
We both ate
R: babyboy why don't you take a shower
he came and hugged me i was washing dishes
L: take it with me
R: of course let me wash the dishes
L: let me help
R: you dry them
L: okay
Me and Lucas finished the dishes and we got in the shower i started to wash Lucas's hair
L: babygirl
R: yea
L: your the best
R: no you are
L: babygirl thankyou for everything you have done
R: thats what im here for
I washed his body he washed my hair and body i grabbed a towel for me and got out then i grabbed him a towel and help him get out he went to fall
R: i got you we just have to get dressed babyboy
L: ok
R: want me to dress you
L: yea
I grabbed his boxers and put them on him I helped him in bed i grabbed me a bra and panties and put them on Lucas was already sleeping because he was exhausted i got under the covers and cuddled him like this 👇

I woke up and saw my baby sleeping peacefully i moved a couple pieces of hair out of his face and kissed his forehead i got up and took a shower by time i got out Lucas was still sleeping peacefully i let him sleep because he was exhausted from hi...

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( without the dog)
R: i love you little lion
L: i love you more
We went to sleep...
Authors note

Hey guys what's up I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will be writing more tomorrow I hope you have a good day / night don't forget to like it up and comment and peace

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